2012-05-30 09:39:39
1612 ![](
2023-03-23 05:05:36
散熱片 TO-220 銅 1.0W @ 20°C 插件板級,垂直
2024-03-14 20:37:16
2023-03-23 05:05:33
flood比較正確的說法應該叫灌銅,是指對用(Copper Pour)畫幅出來的閉合區域根據設定規則進行鋪銅的一個動作。而鋪銅是指用Copper手動畫銅皮。而對于Flood和Hatch的區別,在幫
2011-12-13 14:27:03
of network, copper and fiber testing tools all bundled together in a Professional Test Kit at a discounted price.
2019-09-03 13:48:24
addresses the parameters for testing grounding connections on aluminum, copper, steel, copper
2008-08-11 23:54:29
of network, copper and fiber testing tools all bundled together in a Professional Test Kit.
2019-07-05 10:09:39
values of following Component Definition properties found on R19 and R18 for part "R"
2017-12-17 17:45:05
; 右鍵,選擇Properties…Obstacle type:障礙物類型Anti-copper area:反鋪銅Board Outline:邊框Comp group keepin:Group組器件的放置
2008-05-12 22:12:23
PADS Layout 9.3 移動Copper時偶爾可以看見Copper的外型邊框,但是看不見里面的銅皮,我試著查找了許多設置都無法解決,我要怎么處理這個問題。
2023-09-16 10:51:47
PADS :Copper Properties中敷銅方法和屬性有哪些PADS有哪些敷銅方法呢
2015-01-04 10:49:56
本帖最后由 fred999 于 2013-3-14 22:55 編輯
1. 使用 PADS9.5 覆銅, Design Rules 里 Default rules 已經設置 Copper 與其
2013-03-14 22:24:31
。2-1.如何控制所鋪銅皮為網格或實心?1.Opttions->Grids->Hatch grid中可以設置Copper值,2.選中銅皮,右鍵->Properties,在Drafting
2013-02-18 18:14:36
only create Copper and Copper Pour areas on the layer.· CAM Plane— Sets the entire layer
2015-01-27 13:43:14
要教唆大家劍走偏鋒?打工是不可能打工的了?其實老wu這里說的盜銅,指的是 Copper Thieving啦。
2021-02-25 06:15:05
1、 層壓板:laminate2、 基材:base material3、 增強板材:stiffener material4、 銅箔面:copper-clad surface5、 去銅箔面:foil
2012-08-01 17:51:21
】:Flood灌銅,也產生這樣的效果。無模命令po顯示Copper pour區邊框并選中后,右鍵->roperties,在Drafting Properties中有Width設置值;在Options
2019-02-15 02:39:59
2023-03-30 11:43:32
2023-03-30 11:43:25
2023-03-30 11:43:25
2023-03-30 11:43:32
ccs里project properties是白色的,點不了
2019-08-23 10:52:50
pads layout里copper pour cut out后在里面再鋪一塊銅皮灌不進銅求助,該如何設置?
2016-03-01 10:39:53
pads鋪銅時copper pour邊框大時,不能自動刪除孤銅!稍微小點的時候能自動刪除孤銅,這是為啥呀呀呀呀.....求助!!!
2012-08-11 09:26:07
Hello Hugo,如果協議有標頭中的字節數(即數據包大小指示符),那么假設標題總是固定的字節數,那么首先要對標準數字進行二進制讀取。頭文件的字節然后解析并計算要讀取多少字節,然后對該字節數進行二進制讀取和Voila'....我們有一個更復雜的協議來處理這里,DF1.Which沒有數據包大小指示符,數據包以轉義序列開始,以轉義序列結束,因此我們必須一次讀取一個字節,并且必須分析每個字節(真正的皇室痛苦 - 但PC今天非常快,所以它不是很明顯).Regards .... Rob“Hugo Renkema”于06/05/2003 06:33:38 AMPlease回應“Hugo Renkema”To:“VEE vrf”cc:Subject:[vrf] No read terminator符號RS232 communicationHello everyone,這是我在vrf郵件列表中的第一篇文章。如果沒有,我希望我的問題得到很好解釋;隨時可以詢問更多信息。我正在使用HP-VEE 6.01通過RS232與設備通信。通信發生的協議沒有EOL符號。 message-bodydoes包含NoB(字節數),表示themessage的長度。當從PC向此設備發送命令時,這在HP-VEE中不是問題。設備發回響應時會發生此問題。此響應也沒有EOL符號。因此,HP-VEE不知道何時收到總消息。這導致響應顯示在BUS I / O MONITOR中,但在DIRECT IO組件中沒有讀命令。這是由于事實上,必須填寫的讀取終止符對于每個單獨的響應是不同的。問題很簡單(并且希望答案也是如此)。如何讀取從COM端口獲取的astring,當主題的最后一個字節未知時使用HP-VEE。事先謝謝,Hugo您目前訂閱的是vrf:ramarquardt @ ra.rockwell.com要訂閱,請發送一封空白電子郵件至“”。要取消訂閱,請發送一封空白電子郵件至“”。要將郵件發送到此郵件列表,請發送電子郵件至“”。如果您需要有關郵件列表的幫助,請發送郵件至“” .---您目前訂閱了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要訂閱,請發送一封空白電子郵件至“”。要取消訂閱,請發送空白電子郵件至“離開”“。要發送郵件到此郵件列表,請發送電子郵件至”“。如果您需要有關郵件列表的幫助,請發送郵件至“”。 以上來自于谷歌翻譯 以下為原文Hello Hugo,If the protocol has, as you say, the number of bytes in the header(viz A packet size indicator),then assuming the header is always a fixed number of bytes,you first do a binary read of the standard number of bytesfor the header then parse that and compute how many morebytes to read, then do a binary read for that number of bytesand Voila'....We have a bit more complex protocol to deal with here, DF1.Which has no packet size indicator, the packet starts withan escape sequence and ends with an escape sequence,so we have to read it one byte at a time and have to analyzeeach byte as it comes in (a real royal pain - but the PC'sare pretty fast today so it is not very noticeable).Regards....Rob"Hugo Renkema" on 06/05/2003 06:33:38 AMPlease respond to "Hugo Renkema" To: "VEE vrf" cc:Subject: [vrf] No read terminator symbol RS232 communicationHello everyone,This is my first post in the vrf Mailing List. I hope my problem isexplained well, if not; feel free to ask for more information.I am using HP-VEE 6.01 to communicate with a device via RS232. The protocolby which the communication takes place has no EOL-symbol. The message-bodydoes contain a NoB (Number of Bytes) which indicates the length of themessage.When sending commands from PC to this device, this is not a problem inHP-VEE. The problem occurs when the device sends back a response. Thisresponse also has no EOL-symbol. Therefore HP-VEE doesn't know when thetotal message is received.This results in the fact that the response is shown in the BUS I/O MONITOR,but not available with a read-command in a DIRECT IO component.This is due to the fact that the read terminator, which must be filled in,is different for every single response.The question is simple (and hopefully the answer too). How to read astring, obtained from a COM-port, using HP-VEE when the last byte of themessage is unknown.Thanks in advance,Hugo RenkemaEmail: are currently subscribed to vrf as: ramarquardt@ra.rockwell.comTo subscribe send a blank email to "".To unsubscribe send a blank email to "".To send messages to this mailing list,email"".If you need help with the mailing list send a message to"".---You are currently subscribed to vrf as: r***@soco.agilent.comTo subscribe send a blank email to "".To unsubscribe send a blank email to "".To send messages to this mailing list,email "".If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "".
2018-09-05 09:50:32
vscode的STM32c_cpp_properties的配置{ "configurations": [{"name": "Win32"
2021-08-23 07:27:55
在PADS中為 copper 形狀和 trace 創建精確的外框和拐角功能增強了。顯示和打印 copper 和 trace的方法限制了精度,因為 traces 和 copper 外框是以相等于
2019-07-25 04:00:00
`在Pads Layout中1、 新建一個Decal,放一個 半徑40mil(1mm)的圓盤(Top層)2、 在其周圍放置一個半徑120mil(1.5mm)的Copper Cut Out(Top層
2015-01-08 10:38:06
誰可以告訴我為什么這個PADS的PCB文件在底面不能進行COPPER POUR?
2013-11-12 10:15:19
在建庫是使用copper和copper cutout組合了個圖形,但是導入CST仿真時這塊全都短路在一起了。詳情請見圖,求高手指導。PADS庫:大長方形是copper,兩邊圓形和小長方形是copper cutout。
2016-09-18 21:36:57
220mm,寬440mm,厚40mm總長度不限Raw materials for copper foil soft connection: international use
2018-06-08 10:09:53
為什么在ad18 properties屬性對話框中不能輸入中文呢?輸入的中文都變成了一個個方框。
2020-07-19 17:24:59
, product characteristics, copper braided line uses the high quality round copper wire ( 0.06,0.08
2019-02-25 11:07:34
`管腳連接了地線,copper pour鋪地就無法連接了?COPPER POUR區域也定義為GND網絡了。打樣回來的板子也沒有問題,不知道為什么點擊地線網絡,鋪地沒有鏈接到一起?`
2011-06-22 11:20:36
Warnings------------------------------------------------------------------LCD2Shorted Copper
2017-02-17 17:14:28
想通過覆銅走大電流,直接用Copper來畫,畫好后設置Drafting Properties,可是在這塊銅皮上好像添加不了過孔......是不是分塊覆銅不是這樣操作的?望高手指點指點
2013-10-25 16:54:47
2019-04-01 07:35:26
最近聽說一個新名詞叫 均流塊(Copper Thieving)。請問orcad如何設置Copper Thieving參數?
2022-07-21 08:40:40
做的燈板圓形的,需要20并5串,有一圈的LED是40個需要copper一半,用的copperpour+copperpour cutout--combine后形成整個圓環,需要解決問題我只需要一半的圓環怎么解決,有知道嗎?
2019-05-05 09:30:58
本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-11 15:09 編輯
如果想要監視變量Unit32 pluse_number ,每1ms加1,Graph Properties的設置應該怎么設定
2018-06-11 00:44:06
, and the possibility of having interactive TV services such as On-Line-Banking and Movies-0n-Demand. These requirements are pushing the limits of the copper...
2019-06-12 10:30:41
This Application Note presents VCSEL laser driver design using a .13um CMOS process with 8 copper metalization layers.
2019-06-14 15:01:51
。Material: copper bu***ar, copper bu***ar or copper confluence row, ground copper row, is made of copper
2018-06-08 10:00:55
EN71-1:2005 Part1標準Safety of toys —Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties
2009-08-14 22:13:53
27 The first technique for maximum heat sinking is to use a heavylayer of copper. 2 oz. copper
2009-09-02 10:46:31
29 CAN Copper to Fiber ConverterModel CANFBModel CANFB isolates and protects your CAN (Control Area
2009-11-27 11:06:11
34 microscopy (AFM) to image the mechanical properties of soft materials. Tribological and viscoelastic properties have bee
2010-08-03 12:51:02
6 IntroductionMeasuring electromagnetic properties of materials can provide insight into applications
2010-08-09 10:37:58
4 to Copper Media Converter. Such a device will take the copper signal and convert it to an optical signal to be transported over a fiber link. A pair
2009-04-20 08:58:02
1169 ![](
) 5、單面覆銅箔層壓板:single-sided copper-clad laminate 6 copper-clad
2009-04-20 09:06:13
2763 to Copper Media Converter. Such a device will take the copper signal and convert it to an optical signal to be transported over a fiber link. A pair
2009-04-29 09:33:55
1008 ![](
網絡內容(Net Properties)字段
新增 “網絡內容” 在Constraint Manager 當中, 將取代傳統設定properties 的方式, 您可直接在此輸入所需
2009-09-06 11:24:51
1352 ![](
Trace thickness
The thickness of a trace is usually .0014 per ounce of copper.
Our standard material is 1/2 ounce copper that is plated up ano
2009-12-29 09:20:35
1379 What is the copper plating thickness?
Solution 1 ounce copper is 1.3 to 2.0 Mil thick2 ounce copper is 2.6 to 4.0 Mil thick
2009-12-29 09:26:26
852 什么是CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface)
英文縮寫: CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface)
中文譯名: 銅線分布式數據接口
2010-02-22 10:55:19
627 PADS銅的屬性設置及鋪銅的方法
在 PCB 設計上,鋪銅是相當必要的動作,而 PADS 提供了三種鋪銅方法,可讓使用者在Copper Properties 中方便的切換,以下就為各位介紹三種
2010-03-21 17:56:50
52168 有時修改一個做好板子,或因為某種原因要刪除分配好網絡的鋪銅copper pour,如果直接點擊刪除,對于一個稍微復雜的PCB,要等好久,這不是我們期望的,采用如下方法或許可以幫你節約
2011-11-11 11:54:45
15731 The material of lead frame is phosphor bronze alloy and the die bonded surface is plated by copper and silver. The minimum thickness of plating is 3.0?.
2012-02-15 10:02:48
18 2012年6月4日北京訊——全球整合式芯片解決方案的領導廠商美滿電子科技(Marvell,NASDAQ:MRVL)今天宣布Dell最新推出的“Copper” ARM架構服務器采用了Marvell公司ARMADA? XP芯片。憑借對
2012-06-05 09:13:37
1012 在PADS中為 copper 形狀和 trace 創建精確的外框和拐角功能增強了。
2012-06-26 15:19:36
5624 2012-09-28 22:02:01
0 AP0101 Polygon Pours and Copper Regions,很好的學習資料
2016-01-14 15:35:05
0 Features ? miniBLOC package - Electrically isolated copper base - Low coupling capacitance
2017-09-21 10:22:26
8 Features ? International standard package ? Direct copper bonded Al2O3-ceramic with copper base
2017-09-21 10:46:02
6 Features ● International standard package ● Direct copper bonded Al2 O3 -ceramic with copper base
2017-09-21 12:10:11
12 本文檔內容介紹了基于java不重啟服務動態加載properties文件及源代碼,供參考
2018-03-12 16:08:34
0 PADSTACK:就是一組PAD的總稱。Copper pad:在布線層(routing layer)。
2018-04-03 10:53:35
21638 android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES允許讀寫訪問”properties”表在checkin數據庫中,改??????值可以修改上傳( Allows
2018-05-05 14:21:00
6374 美國Copper Mountain Technologies(CMT)是業內首家設計創新型USB式的高性能矢網。
2018-06-20 10:52:36
4537 Flammability VW-1, FT-1, -F- 3. Excellent abrasion resistance and mechanical strength. Copper braid / wire
2018-06-29 15:49:55
263 近日,據外媒報道,Facebook正在與英特爾合作以改進其即將推出的Copper Lake架構處理器。
2019-03-18 11:37:55
490 Copper foil(銅箔):一種陰質性電解材料,沉淀于線路板基底層上的一層薄的、連續的金屬箔,它作為PCB的導電體。
2019-10-28 16:52:00
6245 銅是一種較貴重的金屬,是一種過渡元素,英文copper,化學符號Cu,原子序數29。
2020-06-03 09:18:42
1746 隱藏如圖所示 在properties 界面下面guide manager 下面的enable取消使能相應的即可
2020-10-19 10:29:47
933 ![](
AS8510_EvalSW_CShunt_v0-0-8-0.exe Software for Reference Design (Copper Shunt)
2021-01-21 07:17:07
25 Copper Mini Shunt
2021-02-23 08:10:16
9 電子發燒友網為你提供PCB Copper Thieving有什么用?資料下載的電子資料下載,更有其他相關的電路圖、源代碼、課件教程、中文資料、英文資料、參考設計、用戶指南、解決方案等資料,希望可以幫助到廣大的電子工程師們。
2021-04-04 08:54:54
5 修改選錯型號右鍵工程–>properties
2021-12-16 16:54:03
0 基板材料覆銅箔層壓板(Copper Clad Laminaters,CLL),簡稱覆銅箔層或覆銅板,是制造PCB的基板材料。
2022-10-13 11:16:58
2160 按照覆銅板的機械剛性可以劃分為:剛性覆銅板(Rigid Copper Clad Laminate)和撓性覆銅板(Flexible CopperClad Laminate) 。
2022-12-26 15:39:15
1679 覆銅陶瓷基板(Direct Plating Copper, DPC)工藝:是一種用于制備高密度電子封裝材料的工藝方法。
2023-06-06 15:31:51
700 陶瓷基板DPC(Direct Plating Copper)工藝和DBC(Direct Bond Copper)工藝是兩種常用的陶瓷基板制作工藝。盡管它們都是用于制作陶瓷基板的方法,但它們之間存在一些重要的區別,導致DPC工藝比DBC工藝更貴。
2023-07-28 10:57:27
928 ![](
2023-08-09 14:00:48