芯科實驗室(Silicon Laboratories)推出 Precision32 微控制器(MCU)系列產品,
2012-08-29 16:33:56
a negative 0.5V output from a 3.3V input. Switching at 1MHz, the total solution size is extremely
2015-04-13 10:34:16
我登錄了my.st.com 在my.st.com/analogsimulator/ 中,我選擇了:Negative Buck-Boost,然后單擊“Create”按鈕。我正確設置了輸入電壓、輸出電壓
2023-01-17 06:23:51
2015-01-23 11:15:42
NumericScale 和 Precision 屬性范例 (VB)本范例使用 NumericScale 和 Precision 屬性來顯示 Pubs 數據庫 Discounts 表中字段的數值范圍
2009-01-08 10:22:55
negative 0.5V output from a 3.3V input. Switching at 1MHz, the total solution size is extremely
2018-07-24 07:51:23
protection against inductive kickbacks and other negative-voltage transients. Since the common-mode
2011-08-21 16:49:34
本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-6 14:44 編輯
器件是TMS320F2812,在CCS3.3環境下,如何設置 IEEE 64 bit double precision ? 有個
2018-06-06 09:52:31
有沒有在S23K148上運行的PTP(Precision Time Protocol) 協定代號?
2023-03-28 07:06:53
精工Precision(SEIKO Precision)日前開發出了帶有自動對焦(AF)功能的相機模塊P0029。該產品主要用于手機,但該公司也受理此用途以外的需求,計劃3月開始量產。該公司
2018-10-25 11:33:52
2019-09-16 22:59:55
Product DescriptionThe crystals are miniature AT or BT cut strip resonatorshoused in low profile
2008-08-06 13:08:33
9 AM457 is a high-precision integrated amplifier whichhas been developed to condition signals from
2008-10-15 18:31:08
11 TL594 Precision Switchmode Pulse Width Modulation Control CircuitThe TL594 is a fixed frequency
2008-10-22 17:51:57
41 precision output amplifiers in a small, 20-pin package. Each negative input of the four precision amplifiers is externally accessible providi
2008-11-27 18:08:16
28 The REF10 is a precision voltage reference whichprovides a +10.00V output. The drift
2008-12-18 10:35:01
8 The ISO124 is a precision isolation amplifier incorporatinga novel duty cycle
2008-12-18 20:20:32
22 The OPA344 and OPA345 series rail-to-rail CMOSoperational amplifiers are designed for precision
2008-12-18 20:36:50
38 for precision, lowpower,miniature applications. The OPA344 is unitygain stable, while the OPA345 is optimized for gainsgreater
2008-12-18 20:37:59
6 Four precision independent comparators comprise the CMP04.Performance highlights include a very low
2009-08-25 10:40:47
24 PRECISION ABSOLUTE VALUE CIRCUITS:You can build a precision absolute value circuit using two opamps
2009-09-08 00:36:43
5 The LM5067 negative hot swap controller provides intelligentcontrol of the power supply connections
2009-10-07 08:43:10
11 The LMV2011 is a new precision amplifier that offers unprecedentedaccuracy and stability
2009-10-08 09:18:40
11 The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperaturesensors, whose output voltage
2009-10-20 14:18:46
26 The LM34 series are precision integrated-circuit temperaturesensors, whose output voltage
2009-10-20 14:21:31
8 The ADR130 is the industry’s first family of tiny, micropower,low voltage, high precision voltage
2009-10-23 09:31:41
14 The ADR121/ADR125/ADR127 are a family of micropower, high precision, series mode, band gap
2009-10-23 09:53:02
9 The REF19x series precision band gap voltage references use a patented temperature drift curvature
2009-10-23 10:29:43
39 The ADR380 and ADR381 are precision 2.048 V and 2.500 Vband gap voltage references featuring high
2009-10-23 10:38:54
description (continued)In general, many features
2009-11-28 12:08:38
8 原裝二手Audio Precision ATS-2 音頻分析儀產品概覽Audio Precision ATS-2 音頻分析儀采用基于轉換器的架構,可降低成本并提供高性能的廣泛功能。基于轉換器的音頻
2023-05-11 09:21:58
The IRPLDIM4E Reference Design is a miniature dimmable electronic ballast for driving26W compact
2010-02-25 23:04:42
13 IRPLDIM4E Miniature Dimmable 26W Ballast Using IRS2530D DIM8 Contrkl IC
The IRPLDIM4E Reference
2010-03-08 10:35:22
20 The TL1431 is a precision programmable reference with specified thermal stability over
2010-06-12 11:30:50
13 The TL1431 is a precision programmable reference with specified thermal stability over automotive
2010-06-12 11:33:12
37 The REF102 is a precision 10V voltage reference. The drift is laser-trimmed to 2.5ppm/°C max
2010-06-13 09:33:35
25 The SN74F112 contains two independent J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flops. A low level at the preset () or clear (
2010-08-02 16:58:51
17 The most comprehensive solution for verifying the IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP).Rapidly
2010-08-16 15:01:26
52 The AS3691 features four high precision current sources for driving up to four LED strings (RGB
2010-09-06 09:34:09
37 The OPA121 is a precision monolithic dielectrically-isolated FET (Difet®) operational
2010-09-14 08:02:29
26 The OPA2107 dual operational amplifier provides precision Difet performance with the cost and space
2010-09-14 08:14:34
27 The OPA124 is a precision monolithic FET opera-tional amplifier using a Difet (dielectrical
2010-09-15 22:47:37
15 The OPA177 precision bipolar op amp feature verylow offset voltage and drift. Laser-trimmed offset
2010-09-15 22:49:50
36 to simultaneously provide very low offset voltage and near-zero drift over time and temperature. These miniature, high-precision, low-quiesc
2010-09-15 23:00:41
11 to simultaneously provide very low offset voltage (10 µV max) and near-zero drift over time and temperature. These miniature high-precision low-
2010-09-15 23:02:54
16 to simultaneously provide very low offset voltage (5µV max), and near zero drift over time and temperature. These miniature, high-precision, l
2010-09-15 23:04:56
47 to simultaneously provide low offset voltage (5µV max), and near-zero drift over time and temperature. These miniature, high-precision, low qu
2010-09-15 23:26:04
27 The LT1014D is a quad precision operational amplifier with 14-pin industry-standard configuration.
2010-09-17 03:48:03
19 The INA159 is a high slew rate, G = 1/5 differenceamplifier consisting of a precision op amp
2010-09-24 21:57:44
6 The XTR110 is a precision voltage-to-current converter designed for analog signal transmission.
2010-09-26 00:15:50
31 The XTR111 is a precision voltage-to-current converter designed for the standard 0mA–20mA or 4mA
2010-09-26 00:20:33
80 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:08:07
6 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:10:25
7 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:12:22
7 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:14:26
35 The uA723 is a precision integrated-circuit voltage regulator featuring high ripple rejection
2010-10-23 23:00:09
32 This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:19:33
10 This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:21:27
7 This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:24:46
14 The UCCx913 family of negative voltage circuit breakers provides complete power management
2010-10-28 22:50:38
16 The DCH01 series is a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured
2010-11-11 15:52:15
5 The DCH01 series is a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured
2010-11-11 15:53:30
16 The DCH01 series is a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured
2010-11-11 15:56:22
10 The DCH01 series is a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured
2010-11-11 15:58:07
7 The DCH01 series is a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured
2010-11-11 16:00:02
15 The DCH01 series is a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured
2010-11-11 16:02:30
5 The PT79SR100 is a line of Negative Input/Negative Output 3-terminal Integrated Switching
2010-11-18 23:28:18
9 Precision Instrumentation Amplifiers with Rejustors Solve High-Gain Applications
2008-12-20 15:01:48
Negative Charge Pumps Achieve Inductor-Like Efficiency for WLED Backlights
2009-01-11 11:07:04
2504 Negative-Resistance Load Canceller Allows Voltage Reference to Drive Heavy Loads
2009-02-22 14:26:35
精密電流源:Precision Current SourceThe precision current source is shown in Figures 17, 18.
2009-05-16 16:08:04
Negative-peak detector負峰值檢知器電路:
2009-10-22 09:56:09
精密音頻毫伏表電路 (Precision Audio Millivoltmeter)
Measures 10mV to 50Volt RMS in eight rangesSimply connect to your Avo-meter set @ 50΅A range
2009-12-24 10:14:38
Precision constant-current sink provides wide, close-to-the-rail compliance
2010-08-21 21:10:27
Based on a precision op amp (MAX4236), this loop-powered, high-compliance, precision current sink
2011-02-01 11:42:45
The MAX3636 is a highly flexible, precision phase-lockedloop (PLL) clock generator optimized
2011-10-11 10:37:06
14 The MS5541C is the miniature version of MS5535C pressure sensor module. It contains a precision
2011-10-13 15:57:28
39 ADP5072: 1 A/0.6 A DC to DC Switching Regulator with Independent Positive and Negative Outputs Data Sheet
2021-01-28 11:17:14
1 ADIS16505: Precision, Miniature MEMS IMU Data Sheet
2021-01-31 10:16:10
11 ADI Precision Studio
2021-01-31 12:27:18
10 LTC2064 Demo Circuit - Precision, μPower Carbon Monoxide Detector
2021-02-01 09:27:07
0 LTC2067 Demo Circuit - Precision, μPower Carbon Monoxide Detector
2021-02-01 14:45:28
0 LT3094 Demo Circuit - Ultralow Noise, Ultrahigh PSRR Negative LDO Regulator (-20V to -3.3V @ 500mA)
2021-02-01 15:20:32
0 LTC2063 Demo Circuit - μPower Precision Oxygen Sensor
2021-02-05 15:39:33
15 LT6015 Demo Circuit - Precision Voltage Limiter
2021-03-09 15:22:24
3 LTC6244 Demo Circuit - 60kHz, Positive and Negative Peak Detector
2021-03-11 15:06:38
1 Precision DAC產品選擇指南
2021-04-25 16:07:46
8 LT1460:MicroPower Precision系列參考族數據表
2021-05-20 10:38:32
3 LTC2908:Precision Six Input Supply Monitor數據表
2021-05-23 16:06:06
10 CMP01:FAST Precision比較器過時數據表
2021-05-26 17:08:47
2 據麥姆斯咨詢報道,“第7層大腦皮層”腦機接口(BCI)初創公司Precision Neuroscience(簡稱:Precision)近日宣布,其腦機接口技術獲得了美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA
2023-10-09 09:18:31
電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX40080: Precision, Fast Sample-Rate, Digital Current-Sense Amplifier Data Sheet
2023-10-16 18:38:32

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX6069: 1μA WLP Precision Shunt Voltage Reference Data Sheet相關產品參數、數據手冊,更有
2023-10-16 18:45:26

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX49921: 0 to 70V, High-Precision Current-Sense Amplifier Data Sheet相關產品參數、數據手冊
2023-10-16 18:57:04

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX41400: Low-Power, Precision Instrumentation Amplifier with Programmable Gain
2023-10-16 19:29:54
