Dukosi and Suzhou HengmeiElectron Technology Inc. Strengthen Partnership and Establish Joint DevelopmentLaboratory
EDINBURGH, Scotland,Oct. 25, 2023/PRNewswire/ -- Dukosi Ltd,the technology company revolutionizing the performance, safety andsustainability of battery systems, and Suzhou Hengmei Electron Technology, Inc.("Hengmei") today announced the Joint Development Laboratory atHengmei's facility in Suzhou,China. The lab will accelerate thedevelopment and adoption of chip-on-cell-based solutions for more sustainablebattery systems that will power the electric future.
“我們的共同使命是推動電池系統價值鏈的創新,為客戶提供經得起時間考驗的技術。”恒美首席執行官楊曉鋒表示,“Dukosi 的電池監測解決方案革新了基于電池的系統設計方式,為實現電池單元感應和處理奠定了基礎。無論是電動汽車、儲能還是海洋應用領域,靈活、可擴展的解決方案適用于所有市場,其簡單而強大的結構將大幅縮短產品上市所需的時間。為可持續的電池供應鏈做出貢獻是恒美的重要目標之一。Dukosi 基于電池芯片(Chip-on-Cell)的解決方案提供全天候的監測和數據記錄,最大限度提高了電池在生命周期內的使用率。該方案還具有終身可追溯性,有助于滿足構建循環電池價值鏈的監管要求。”
"Our shared commitment to driving innovation throughout the batterysystem value chain will allow us to offer future-proof technology to ourcustomers," statedEric Yang, CEO of Hengmei. "Dukosi's cellmonitoring solution revolutionizes how battery-based systems are designed andpaves the way towards on-cell sensing and processing. Whether electricvehicles, energy storage, or marine applications, the flexible and scalablesolution is suitable for all our markets and will significantly reducetime-to-market due to its simple yet powerful architecture. Contributing to asustainable battery supply chain is also a key objective at Hengmei. Dukosi'schip-on-cell solution provides 24/7 monitoring and data logging that helpsmaximize the utilization of batteries throughout its lifecycle, and lifetimetraceability helps comply with regulatory requirements aimed at building acircular battery value chain."
“中國處于交通和出行電動化的最前沿,建有完備的電池生產生態系統,占據全球 75%[1]的電芯產能。”Dukosi 全球銷售和營銷副總裁 Joseph Notaro 表示,“恒美是電池連接系統(CCS)的行業翹楚,也是我們的重要合作伙伴,他們銳意進取、穩步發展,正在籌備進軍全球市場。我們對彼此間的合作關系倍感自豪,期待今后能夠更緊密合作,共同促進業務增長,取得商業成功。”
"Chinahasbeen at the forefront of electrification of transport and mobility with awell-established battery production ecosystem and 75%[1] of the world's batterycell manufacturing capacity," statedJoseph Notaro, vice presidentglobal sales and marketing at Dukosi. "Hengmei is already a leader in cellconnection systems (CCS) and an important and progressive partner who ispositioning themselves for growth into global markets. We are proud of ourpartnership and look forward to closer collaboration and achieving mutualbusiness growth and success."
聯合實驗室于 2023 年 10月 25 日正式揭幕。在揭幕儀式上,恒美首席執行官楊曉峰向 Dukosi 首席執行官 NatEdington 和 Dukosi 全球銷售和營銷副總裁 Joseph Notaro 授予了匾牌,來自恒美各部門的高級管理人員出席了儀式。楊曉鋒在儀式上發表致辭:“在人類歷史上第三次能源革命來臨的偉大時刻,我們前所未有地充滿信心,主動迎接變化,攜手全球電池生態系統中的合作伙伴,共同推動新技術和新產品的研發和應用,為實現碳中和做出卓越貢獻。”
The Joint Laboratory was opened on25 October, 2023in anofficial ceremony. Nat Edington, CEO of Dukosi, andJoseph Notaro,vice president global sales and marketing at Dukosi, were presented with aplaque by Hengmei's CEOEric Yang, and the ceremony was attended by seniormanagers from across Hengmei businesses. Speaking at the event, Yang said,"At this great moment of the third energy revolution in human history, weare more confident than ever in taking the initiative to embrace changes,promote the development and application of new technologies and products withour partners in the global battery ecosystem, and make greater contributions tocarbon neutrality."
·About Dukosi·
Dukosi致力于開發革命性技術,顯著提高電池的性能、安全性和效率,并實現更可持續的電池價值鏈。該公司為電動汽車(EV)、工業運輸和固定儲能市場提供基于智能電池芯片(Chip-on-Cell)技術和無線近場通信技術的獨特電池監測平臺。Dukosi 總部位于英國愛丁堡,在美國、亞洲和歐洲設有分支機構。
Dukosi develops revolutionary technologies that dramatically improve theperformance, safety, and efficiency of battery systems, and enable a moresustainable battery value chain. The company provides a unique cell monitoringplatform based on intelligent chip-on-cell technology and wireless near fieldcommunication for electric vehicles (EV), industrial transportation andstationary energy storage markets. Headquartered inEdinburgh, UK, Dukosihas a global footprint with locations in USA,AsiaandEurope.
·About Hengmei·
SuzhouHengmei Electron Technology, Inc. is a company committed to the research,development, production and sales of electronic control systems for new energyvehicles and energy storage. Our strategic positioning and competitiveadvantage lies in providing an integrated power battery electronic controlsolution. Our product portfolio includes battery management systems (BMS)(wireless and wired), flexible printed circuits (FPC), cell connection systems(CCS), battery disconnect units (BDU), and high and low voltage wiring harnesses.Our vision & mission is to make transportation safer and greener. Since ourinception, we have been working towards achieving the goals of ecological andenvironmental protection through sustainable development.
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原文標題:Dukosi 與蘇州恒美電子科技股份有限公司開啟合作新篇章 | 共建聯合開發實驗室
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