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Wireless Short-Range Comm. Tech Forum Held During IEEE SA Event

共熵服務中心 ? 來源:未知 ? 2023-11-09 10:40 ? 次閱讀

Shenzhen, November 7, 2023 - The wireless short-range communication technology and standardization forum has concluded successfully during IEEE SA General Meeting & Anniversaries in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.


The forum was co-hosted by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) and the International SparkLink Short-Range Wireless Communication Alliance (SparkLink Alliance).


The forum invited nearly 200 people to participate on-site, including numerous industry experts, organization representatives, and media representatives. It also attracted a global audience through live streaming.

Professor Zhang Wenjun, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, IEEE Fellow, delivered the open speech at the forum. He emphasized the role of standardization in shaping the global landscape. It allows everyone to have an equal voice, which in turn leads to the highest level of consensus and acceptance. He looks forward to the collective efforts of everyone leading to a brighter and more standardized future.

The theme of the forum was innovation and international cooperation in the wireless short-range communication industry. Experts had a lot of discussions and sharing on hot topics such as the home network market, wireless network market, trends in wireless communication technology, NearLink technology standards and industry ecosystem construction, applications of NearLink technology in the era of panoramic vision, the role of wireless technology in advanced home broadband services, and the application and development of wireless communication technology in medical scenarios.


Taimur Zafar, Senior Analyst at Omdia, delivered a speech titled "Home Networks Market Update." He emphasized that broadband providers are facing the dilemma of gradually decreasing return on investment from higher bandwidth access. He mentioned the competitive differentiation of future service providers will mainly shift to software and services.


Haw-Wei Howy SHU, Huawei's Chief Scientist of Wireless Communications, shared at the meeting on the "Wireless Connectivity technology trend of Consumer Products, present both opportunities and challenges" From the technical pain points currently faced by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, he summarized user expectations for future new connections. He also proposed that Huawei terminal devices, while supporting Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, also embrace new standards that can provide a more friendly user experience, such as NearLink.


Zhou Xiaobing, the Chief of OpenLab at the Sparklink Alliance, shared a keynote speech on 'NearLink Technology Standards and Construction of Industrial Ecosystem.' Zhou Xiaobing discussed the background of NearLink technology, the technical framework of NearLink standards, and the core scenarios currently targeted by NearLink: smart devices, smart home, smart Vehicles, and smart manufacturing. As NearLink technology standards mature and commercial implementation results emerge, the expansion of the NearLink ecosystem will also accelerate, sparking a wave of innovation in the interconnection experience of smart devices.


Zheng Zhiyu, the Chairman of Eagle Drive Technology delivered a keynote speech titled 'NearLink - Creating a New Era for 360 Around View System.' For large passenger or freight vehicles, there are significant blind areas around the vehicle, often resulting in accidents where pedestrians or non-motor vehicles in the blind area are run over during vehicle start-up or parking. The panoramic surround view system equipped with NearLink technology can transmit images captured by cameras around the vehicle to the control platform in real time and stitch together data from multiple cameras to form a 360-degree surround view image around the vehicle, thereby achieving full coverage of blind areas and eliminating safety hazards. NearLink technology meets the technical requirements of the 360 surround view system in terms of delay, synchronization, concurrency, reliability, and safety.

The wireless short-range communication technology and standardization forum not only provided a platform for participants to communicate and learn but also played a positive role in promoting the development of wireless short-range communication technology and standardization. We look forward to the next forum, continuing to contribute to the global development of wireless short-range communication technology.

About International SparkLink Short-Range Wireless Communication Alliance


SparkLink Alliance is an industrial alliance committed to promoting next-generation wireless short-range communication technology innovation and industry ecosystem, and supporting applications with extreme performance requirements. Through ecosystem incubation and commercial advancement, the Sparklink Alliance has reached more than 500 member units from various fields such as industry institutions, universities and research institutes, chips, vehicles and parts, mobile phones and terminals, home appliances, communications, instruments and IT. The alliance is committed to globalization, aiming to promote the innovation and industrial ecology of the new generation of wireless short-range communication technology NearLink, to support rapidly evolving new scenario applications and meet the demands for ultimate performance. The alliance mainly works on standard setting, testing and certification, strategy development, ecosystem construction, application demonstrations, technical exchanges, and external cooperation, and has become an important platform for promoting the development of the new generation of short-range wireless communication industry worldwide.

原文標題:Wireless Short-Range Comm. Tech Forum Held During IEEE SA Event


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