Shenzhen, December 4, 2023 – Last Friday, a delegation composed of representatives from BRICS countries, as well as other emerging market countries and developing nations, visited the Hetao International Organization Headquarters (HIOH) for in-depth learning and exchange. The delegation members included officials from industrial, telecommunications, and digital economy sectors from 18 countries, including Colombia, Russia, and Nigeria, etc.The reception and hosting for the visit of the BRICS delegation was undertaken by the Shenzhen Comentropy Industry and Standard Innovation Service Center (Comentropy Service Center). During the visit and exchange, the delegation gained a deep understanding of the role of the Comentropy Service Center and its value to industrial development.
At the HIOH, the delegation members engaged in extensive discussions with leaders of important international organizations, including the World WLAN Applications Alliance (WAA), International SparkLink Wireless Short-Range Communication Alliance (SparkLink), and UHD World Association (UWA). They also visited the WAA Laboratory and the SparkLink OpenLab to gain insights into the development progress and latest updates of these international alliances.
This visit signifies the proactive role of the HIOH in the process of globalization. It is actively establishing close cooperation with governments, research institutions, and enterprises around the world, rapidly expanding its international membership network. The HIOH is committed to becoming a new hub for industry and standard organizations with significant international influence.
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原文標題:BRICS Delegation Visit HIOH to Boost Global Cooperation
原文標題:BRICS Delegation Visit HIOH to Boost Global Cooperation
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