在萬物互聯的時代,Wi-Fi技術的每一次飛躍都意味著更快速、更穩定、更智能的網絡連接。今天,我們自豪地向您介紹一款顛覆傳統、引領未來的射頻前端模組——KCT8574HE。這款專為IEEE 802.11 a/n/ac/ax WLAN系統設計的高集成模組,不僅集成了所有關鍵射頻功能,更以卓越的性能、超小的封裝和環保理念,重新定義了Wi-Fi 6設備的射頻前端解決方案。
In the era of the Internet of everything, every leap forward in Wi-Fi technology means faster, more stable, and smarter connectivity. Today, we are proud to introduce to you a new RF front-end module that disrupts tradition and leads the future - KCT8574HE. Designed for IEEE 802.11a /n/ac/ax WLAN systems, this highly integrated module not only integrates all key RF functions, but also redefines the RF front-end solution for Wi-Fi 6 devices with superior performance, ultra-small package and environmental philosophy.
在KCT8574HE中,高效高線性功率放大器(PA)是其核心組件之一。這款PA不僅具有出色的線性度和效率,更在多種模式下提供了卓越的輸出功率。在3.3V供電下,無論是HE160/MCS11模式下的+15.5dBm(@ -43dB DEVM)和+18dBm(@ -40dB DEVM),還是VHT80/MCS9模式下的+19.5dBm(@ -35dB DEVM)和HT20/MCS7模式下的+20.5dBm(@ -30dB DEVM),KCT8574HE都展現了無與倫比的性能優勢。這樣的輸出功率,確保了信號在復雜環境下的強勁傳輸,讓您的Wi-Fi 6設備在任何角落都能保持高速穩定的連接。
In KCT8574HE, high efficiency high linear power amplifier (PA) is one of its core components. This PA not only offers excellent linearity and efficiency, but also provides excellent output power in a variety of modes. Under 3.3V power supply, both +15.5dBm (@-43dB DEVM) and +18dBm (@-40dB DEVM) in HE160/MCS11 mode, As well as +19.5dBm (@-35dB DEVM) in VHT80/MCS9 mode and +20.5dBm (@-30dB DEVM) in HT20/MCS7 mode, the KCT8574HE delivers unmatched performance benefits. This output power ensures robust signal transmission in complex environments, allowing your Wi-Fi 6 device to maintain a high-speed and stable connection anywhere.
Low noise amplifiers (Lnas) play a crucial role in the receiving link. The LNA in the KCT8574HE not only has excellent low noise characteristics, but also integrates a bypass filter (BP) to effectively suppress out-of-band interference and improve the clarity and sensitivity of the received signal. At 3.3V power supply, the LNA has a receive gain of 16.5dB and a noise figure of 1.7dB. This performance allows your device to receive signals more leisurely, whether weak signals or complex environments, can achieve accurate reception.
The KCT8574HE has built-in DC voltage power detection, allowing you to monitor the power status and RF power of the RF front end in real time. This function is very important for the power management and troubleshooting of the equipment. With real-time monitoring, you can ensure that devices are operating within normal operating ranges and avoid potential performance issues and security hazards.
KCT8574HE采用了QFN-16L 2.5mm x 2.5mm x 0.55mm的超小封裝,這在當前追求小型化、集成化的電子設備市場中,無疑是一個巨大的優勢。它不僅節省了寶貴的PCB空間,還為設備的整體設計提供了更多的靈活性和可能性。無論是智能家居、智能安防、智能穿戴設備,還是企業級路由器、無線AP等,KCT8574HE都能輕松融入,為您的設備帶來更加出色的性能表現。
The KCT8574HE uses the QFN-16L 2.5mm x 2.5mm x 0.55mm ultra-small package, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage in the current pursuit of miniaturization and integration of electronic devices market. It not only saves valuable PCB space, but also provides more flexibility and possibilities for the overall design of the device. Whether it is smart home, smart security, smart wearable devices, or enterprise-class routers, wireless AP, etc., the KCT8574HE can be easily integrated to bring better performance to your devices.
Product specification list
集成組件:802.11ax 5GHz PA、LNA(帶旁路)和T/R開關
Integrated components: 802.11ax 5GHz PA, LNA (with bypass) and T/R switches
Matching scheme: Complete input/output matching
Power detection: Built-in DC voltage power detection
Transmit gain: 30dB at 3.3V
Receive gain: 16.5dB at 3.3V
Noise factor: 1.7dB at 3.3V
+15.5dBm @ -43dB DEVM, HE160/MCS11, 3.3V
+18dBm @ -40dB DEVM, HE160/MCS11, 3.3V
+19.5dBm @ -35dB DEVM, VHT80/MCS9, 3.3V
+20.5dBm @ -30dB DEVM, HT20/MCS7, 3.3V
ESD protection: All pins have ESD protection circuit
External components: Minimal requirements
封裝尺寸:QFN-16L 2.5mm x 2.5mm x 0.55mm
Package size: QFN-16L 2.5mm x 2.5mm x 0.55mm
溫度等級:MSL3,符合JEDEC J-STD-020標準,260°C
Temperature rating: MSL3, according to JEDEC J-STD-020, 260°C
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