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TPS65987D應用電路以及200W USB-C PD參考設計

電子工程師 ? 來源:網絡整理 ? 2019-04-05 22:19 ? 次閱讀

TI公司的TPS65987D是單獨可用的集成了功率開關的USB Type-C供電(PD)控制器,和USB PD 3.0兼容,提供電纜插頭和取向檢測,根據電纜檢測,采用USB PD協議和CC線進行通信,當電纜檢測和USB PD協商完成, TPS65987D就能提供合適供電通路,配置交替模式來設定外部多路復用器。主要用在筆記本電腦,塢站系統,平板電腦和超級本電腦, DisplayPort與雷電接口系統。本文介紹了TPS65987D主要特性,功能框圖,應用電路, 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM主要特性,電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖以及200W USB-C PD參考設計TIDA-050012主要特性和指標,框圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖。

The TPS65987D is a stand-alone USB Type-C and Power Delivery (PD) controller providing cable plug and orientation detection for a single USB Type-C connector. Upon cable detection, the TPS65987D communicates on the CC wire using the USB PD protocol. When cable detection and USB PD negotiation are complete, the TPS65987D enables the appropriate power path and configures alternate mode settings for external multiplexers.


1? USB Power Delivery (PD) Controller

– USB PD 3.0 Compliant

– Fast Role Swap Support

– Physical Layer and Policy Engine

– Configurable at Boot and Host-Controlled

? USB Type-C Specification Compliant

– Cable Attach and Orientation Detection

– Default, 1.5 A, or 3 A Power Advertisement

– Up to 600-mA VConn Current

? Port Power Switch

– Two 5 V to 20 V, 5-A Bidirectional Switches to or from VBUS

– Up to 10-A Adjustable Current Limiting

– Ideal Diode Reverse Current Protection

– Undervoltage, and Overvoltage Protection

– Slew Rate Control

– 5-V, 600-mA VConn Source

? BC1.2 Support

– Advertisement as DCP and CDP

– Automatic DCP Modes Selection:

– Shorted Mode per BC1.2 and YD/T 1591-2009

– 2.7-V Divider 3 Mode

– 1.2-V Mode

– Data Contact Detect

– Primary and Secondary Detection

? I2C Master Write Control for Alt Mode Muxes and Variable DCDCs

? Alternate Mode Support

– DisplayPort

– Thunderbolt?

? Power Management

– Power Supply from 3.3 V or VBUS Source

– 3.3-V LDO Output for Dead Battery Support

? 7-mm × 7-mm QFN Package

– 0.4-mm Pitch

– 56 Pin


? Notebook Computers

? Docking Systems

? Tablets and Ultrabooks

? DisplayPort, and Thunderbolt? Systems

圖1. TPS65987D功能框圖

圖2. TPS65987D簡化電路圖



圖5. TPS65987D應用案例電路圖

圖6. TPS65987D應用案例2電路圖

圖7. TPS65987D支持PD充電的USB和DisplayPort筆記本電路圖

圖8. TPS65987D支持PD充電的雷電數據線筆記本電路圖


This is the user’s guide for the 10G-EXPANSION-EVM for use with the TPS65987EVM supporting the expansion board connector. The 10G-EXPANSION-EVM is not intended to be used alone and requires the TPS65987EVM for operation.

The 10G-EXPANSION-EVM adds to the capabilities of the TPS6598xEVM supporting the expansion board connector by allowing the user to evaluate the USB Type-C and power-delivery (PD) capabilities of the TPS6598x USB Type-C and PD devices from the power and data perspective.

The TPS6598x USB Type-C and PD controller provides cable plug and orientation detection at the USB Type-C connector. Upon cable detection, the TPS6598x device communicates on the CC wire using the USB PD protocol. When cable detection and USB PD negotiation are complete, the TPS6598x device enables the appropriate power path and configures alternate mode settings for internal and (optional) external multiplexers.

This user guide describes the TPS65987EVM and the capabilities of this EVM with the 10GEXPANSIONEVM.

圖9. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM外形圖

圖10. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM源板和沉板框圖

圖11. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM沉板MUX電路圖

圖12. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM內PCB沉電路圖

圖13. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM源MUX電路圖

圖14. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM內PCB源電路圖


圖15. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM PCB設計圖:左:頂層綜合;右:頂層焊接

圖16. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM PCB設計圖:左:頂層;右:GND面1

圖17. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM PCB設計圖:左:高速層;右:GND面2

圖18. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM PCB設計圖:左:電源層1;右:電源層2

圖19. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM PCB設計圖:左:GND面3;右:底層

圖20. 評估模塊10-GEXPANSION-EVM PCB設計圖:左:底層焊接;右:底層綜合

電源UDO源200W USB-C PD參考設計TIDA-050012

This USB Power Delivery (PD) reference design will allow users to implement system that require more than 100 W as a power source while also highlighting the industries lowest RDSon solution. The design can output all four of the standard USB Type-C PD source

voltages of 5 V, 9 V, 15 V, and 20 V. In standard Type-C PD operation, the design will output up to 20V/4A. When Texas Instruments Power DUO mode is enabled, the design will be able to output up to 20V/10A while simultaneously lowering the RDSon by a factor of two.

This Design highlights how to implement a high powered USB Type-C PD Source device. This design can be referenced for various different end equipments, from PC Docks, Notebook PC Charger, Industrial chargers, Wall outlets, and many others. Through the use of a Texas Instruments USB Power Duo Mode, the TPS65987D PD adapter will close both of it's load switches in parallel to double the current carrying capability and reduce the effective RDSon by a factor of two. The design also highlights a feature of the TPS65987D called App Config by allowing users to select their Type-C PD Output voltage through push button switches. Additionally, this design goes through steps on how to implement a high powered DC/DC converter to offer the standard Type-C PD source voltages. Finally, the design also contains a P-FET bypass power path to route the input supply directly to the PD controller allowing for very high efficiency in a 20 V contract. The design also supports BC1.2 charging modes through the D+/D- USB 2.0 signals.


? High Power USB Type-C PD Source

? Barrel Jack to Type-C: 5-V, 9-V, 15-V, or 20-V Charging up to 4 A

? Up to 20-V at 10 A through Texas Instruments Power Duo Mode

? Integrated power paths in PD Controller

? User selectable output voltage


? Notebooks and Laptops

? Personal Electronics

? Consumer AC/DC: USB Type-C AC/DC Notebook PC Power Adapters (60 W Minimum)

? Power Bank

? Notebook PC Power Adapters

圖21. 參考設計TIDA-050012外形圖

圖22. 參考設計TIDA-050012框圖



圖23. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(1)

圖24. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(2)

圖25. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(3)

圖26. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(4)

圖27. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(5)

圖28. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(6)

圖29. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(7)

圖30. 參考設計TIDA-050012 PCB設計圖(8)

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