表1. 閃存配置實例
表2. 有界隊列存儲器配置舉例
FLASHQueue[ ] | |
Queue Index | Data Flash Address |
31 | 0xF7C0-0xF7FF |
30 | 0xF780-0xF7BF |
29 | 0xF740-0xF77F |
. . . . | . . . . |
2 | 0xF080-0xF0BF |
1 | 0xF040-0xF07F |
0 | 0xF000-0xF03F |

圖1. 有界隊列流程
如果需要采用塊交換,則需要選用至少含有兩個數據閃存分區的MAXQ器件。表3給出了一個包含兩個1K x 16閃存分區的存儲器配置實例。圖2給出了塊交換寫/擦流程。
表3. 塊交換存儲器配置實例
Flash Sectors | |
Sector Number | Data Flash Address |
0 | 0xF000-0xF3FF |
1 | 0xE000-0xE3FF |

圖2. 塊交換流程
管理數據閃存的最可靠、最靈活的辦法是同時采用有界隊列和塊交換技術。當需要將少量的數據周期性存入閃存,并要保持數據完整性的時候,結合使用這兩種技術將非常有利。表4給出了一個包含兩個2K x 16分區,每個分區被劃分為32個相等條目的實例。圖3示例數據在兩個分區之間、有界排隊內的流向。
表4. 塊交換和有界隊列存儲器配置實例

圖3. 有界隊列和塊交換流程
MAXQ微控制器具有片內閃存支持程序,駐留在ROM (只讀內存)中,用來對閃存進行編程、擦寫和校驗。有兩種方法來調用這些例程。第一種也是最快的方法是直接訪問,只需通過以下代碼提供一個頭文件:
u16 flashEraseSector(void *); u16 flashEraseAll(void); u16 flashWrite(u16 *pAddress, u16 iData);然后,加入鏈接定義給每個例程分配合適的地址。對于IAR鏈接文件,加入下面幾行語句:
-DflashEraseSector=0x8XXX -DflashEraseAll=0x8XXX -DflashWrite=0x8XXX具體使用時,用每個例程相應的存儲器地址替代0x8XXX。其他編譯器可能使用不同的方法添加這些聲明。
表5. 應用ROM閃存例程
Routine Number | Routine Name | Entry Point ROMTable = ROM[800Dh] |
Entry Point Physical Address |
2 | flashEraseSector | ROM[ROMTable + 1] | 0x8XXX |
3 | flashEraseAll | ROM[ROMTable + 2] | 0x8XXX |
15 | flashWrite | ROM[ROMTable + 14] | 0x8XXX |
Routine | u16 flashWrite(u16 *pAddress, u16 iData) |
Summary | Programs a single word of flash memory. |
Inputs | A[0] - Word address in flash memory to which to write. A[1] - Word value to write to flash memory. |
Outputs | Carry: Set on error and cleared on success. If set, then A[0] contains one of the following error codes: 1 : failure due to software timeout 2 : failure reported by hardware (DQ5/FERR) 4 : command not supportedSW_FERR - Set on error, cleared on success. |
Notes | The watchdog must not be active, or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset. |
; This routine is callable by C code using the following prototype ; u16 flashWrite(u16 *pAddress, u16 iData); ; flashWrite: move APC, #0 ; No auto inc/dec of accumulator. move AP, #2 ; Set ACC to A[2] move DP[0], #0800Dh ; This is where the address of the table is stored. move ACC, @DP[0] ; Get the location of the routine table. add #14 ; Add the index to the flashWrite routine. move DP[0], ACC move ACC, @DP[0] ; Retrieve the address of the routine. call ACC ; Execute the routine. ret ; Status returned in A[0]flashEraseSector
Routine | u16 flashEraseSector(void *pAddress) |
Summary | Erases a single sector of flash memory |
Inputs | A[0] - Address located in the sector to erase. |
Outputs | Carry: Set on error and cleared on success. If set, then A[0] contains one of the following error codes: 1 : failure due to software timeout 2 : failure reported by hardware (DQ5/FERR) 4 : command not supported SW_FERR - Set on error, cleared on success. |
Notes | The watchdog must not be active, or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset. |
; This routine is callable by C code using the following prototype ; u16 flashEraseSector(void *pAddress); ; flashEraseSector: move APC, #0 ; No auto inc/dec of accumulator. move AP, #1 ; Set ACC to A[1] move DP[0], #0800Dh ; This is where the address of the table is stored. move ACC, @DP[0] ; Get the location of the routine table. add #1 ; Add the index to the flashEraseSector routine. move DP[0], ACC move ACC, @DP[0] ; Retrieve the address of the routine. call ACC ; Execute the routine. ret ; Status returned in A[0]flashEraseAll
Routine | void flashEraseAll(void) |
Summary | Erases the entire program and data flash memory, including the boot loader sector. This routine is not normally used for IAP, as great care must be taken to ensure that the erase/programming sequence is not interrupted. |
Inputs | None |
Outputs | Carry: Set on error and cleared on success.SW_FERR: Set on error, cleared on success. |
Notes | The watchdog must not be active, or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset. |
; This routine is callable by C code using the following prototype ; void flashEraseAll(void); ; flashEraseAll: move APC, #0 ; No auto inc/dec of accumulator. move AP, #0 ; Set ACC to A[0] move DP[0], #0800Dh ; This is where the address of the table is stored. move ACC, @DP[0] ; Get the location of the routine table. add #2 ; Add the index to the flashEraseAll routine. move DP[0], ACC move ACC, @DP[0] ; Retrieve the address of the routine. call ACC ; Execute the routine. ret
表6. 調用應用ROM閃存例程的要求
You cannot erase or program from the same flash sector from which you are executing code. This is not normally a problem since the flash Boot Sector should never be erased during IAP. |
The watchdog must not be enabled or the watchdog timeout must be set long enough to complete this routine without triggering a reset before the flashEraseSector() routine is called. If the watchdog time out occurs before the erase is complete, it will reset the part. Erasing a sector typically takes 0.7 seconds; it can take up to 15 seconds under worst case conditions. |
Since the System Control Register bit SC.UPA must be set to 0 to access the Utility ROM, a ROM Utility routine cannot be called directly from program memory addresses = 0x8000. If access to a Utility ROM routine is required from a program in upper memory (= 0x8000), the program must indirectly call the ROM routine through a routine residing in lower memory (<0x8000). This effectively limits the boot loader to = 64kB (32kB x 16). |
圖4. ROM初始化流程示意
圖5給出了一個簡單的引導裝載程序的流程圖。當使用引導裝載程序實現IAP時,對于16kB (8K x 16)的引導裝載程序,主應用程序的入口通常位于地址0x2000 + 標題偏移,對于32kB (16K x 16)的引導裝載程序,則位于地址0x4000 + 標題偏移。一個簡單的應用程序標題如下所示:
typedef struct { u16 iSize; // The size of the application in words u32 iCRC; // The CRC of the application u8 ID[8]; // ID string for current application } APPLICATION_HEADER;引導裝載程序可以利用此標題所提供的信息確定主程序的有效性,如果需要,還可以報告其版本標識。
圖5. 閃存引導裝載流程示意圖
/* // VerySimpleReFlash() // As simple as it gets. // Step 1. Wait for erase command, then erase flash. // Step 2. Wait for program command, then program flash one word // at a time. */ void VerySimpleReFlash() { u16 iStatus; // The status returned from flash utility ROM calls u16 iSize; // The size of the main code to program u16 *pAddress = 0x2000; // The starting address of the main application InitializeCOMM(); // Can be CAN or UART WaitForEraseCommand(); SlowDownWatchdog(); // If watchdog enabled set update > 15s iStatus = flashEraseSector(C_ADDRESS_SECTOR_1); if (iStatus == 0) iStatus = flashEraseSector(C_ADDRESS_SECTOR_2); UpdateWatchdog(); // Prevent watchdog timeout SendFlashErasedResponse(iStatus); if (iStatus) ResetMicro(); iSize = WaitForProgramCommand(); while (iSize--) { u16 iData = GetWordFromCOMM(); iStatus = flashWrite(pAddress, iData); if (iStatus) break; ++pAddress; UpdateWatchdog(); // Prevent watchdog timeout } SendFlashWriteResponse(iStatus); ResetMicro(); }那些引導裝載程序沒有使用的程序空間,可用于其他例程和/或常數的存儲。一個很好的例子是將間接調用應用ROM例程的所有子程序保存在這里,例如上面“應用ROM閃存例程”中所給出的一些子程序。在引導程序分區存儲其他信息時需要注意:除非部分或全部擦除引導裝載程序自身,否則無法將其擦除。
表7. 從RAM中執行代碼的限制
SC.UPA must be set to 0 before executing a RAM-based routine. This means that the application must jump to the RAM routine from the code segments P0 & P1. |
RAM cannot be accessed as data and program at the same time. This means that only the registers and hardware stack are available for data storage. |
The Interrupt Vector must point to a RAM routine if interrupts are enabled. Typically interrupts are turned off and polling is used due to the simplicity of the RAM reflash routine. |
圖6. 簡化的RAM更新例程流程圖