利用空閑運放產生穩定的負電源 Spare Op Amp Generates Its Own Regulated Negative Supply
2009-06-19 07:33:18
1045 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/08/wKgZomUMNqOAb9hfAABRFCaSDrc781.gif)
Operational amplifiers (op amps) and comparators look similar; they even have verysimilar schematic
2009-12-02 12:39:08
11 Op Amp Booster Designs
2017-03-24 14:55:45
1970-01-01 08:00:00
Monolithic Op Amp-The Universal Linear Component
2017-03-24 14:53:48
0 Slew Rate of Op Amp Circuits:The slew rate (SR) is defined as the maximum rate of change
2009-09-26 10:45:51
12 The OP177 features one of the highest precision performance of any op amp currently available.
2009-08-27 17:45:20
47 Predicting Op Amp Slew Rate Limited Response
2017-03-24 15:16:16
0 The OP497 is a quad op amp with precision performance in the space-saving, industry standard
2009-08-28 15:48:03
8 Current- Feedback Op Amp Applications Circuit Guide
2017-03-24 16:20:24
1 Buck Regulator Generates Ultra-Low Output Voltage
Abstract: You can induce a switching regulator
2009-01-23 22:04:15
1831 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/8D/wKgZomUMNLOAdV7DAAAafcWdU6o332.gif)
LMH6643-高速放大器 (>=50MHz),運算放大器 (Op Amp)
2015-12-01 11:47:08
56 A CMOS op amp is utilized to provide two-channel signal clamping with room-temperature leakage’s
2008-11-24 09:55:03
13 The OP249 is a high speed, precision dual JFET op amp, similar to the popular single op amp
2009-08-29 15:25:25
12 high speed op amp combined with the advantages of a precision op amp in a singlepackage. The OP467 is an ideal choice for applications
2009-08-28 17:09:35
7 An Applications Guide for Op Amps
2017-03-24 15:59:47
2 運算放大器電路集合 Op Amp Circuit Collection
2009-05-17 11:22:12
53 OP_AMP_APPLICATIONS_(運算放大器應用手冊英文版_ADI公司)__886頁.pdf
2017-03-05 15:25:10
6 LM432 - Dual Op Amp with On-Chip Fixed 2.5V Reference
The LM432 integrates two operational
2008-09-19 15:11:13
31 The OP90 is a high performance, micropower op amp thatoperates from a single supply of 1.6 V to 36
2008-10-08 09:33:21
17 precisionFET op amp. When compared to the popular OPA111op amp, the OPA627/637 has lower noise, lower offsetvoltage, and much higher
2008-10-14 15:30:52
25 Current Feedback (CFB) Op Amps(MT-034)
In this tutorial the two basic op amp topologies—voltage
2010-03-25 16:54:46
31 IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes
2010-06-06 16:06:11
8 LT1880:SOT-23,Rail-to-Rail Output,PioAmp Input Current Precision Op Amp數據表
2021-04-26 16:00:02
6 LT1636:Over-the-top Micropower Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Op Amp數據表
2021-05-26 15:05:39
0 ADA4099-1: 50 V, 8 MHz, 1.5 mA, Robust, Over-The-Top Precision Op Amp Preliminary Data Sheet
2021-01-29 14:00:27
0 ADA4177-2CHIPS: OVP and EMI Protected, Precision, Low Noise and Low Bias Current Op Amp Data Sheet
2021-01-28 12:52:20
4 The OP290 is a high performance micropower dual op amp that operates from a single supply of 1.6 V
2009-08-28 16:26:03
The OP490 is a high performance micropower quad op amp that operates from a single supply of 1.6
2009-09-01 17:32:01
16 The circuit shows how to use the very high-input impedance of a MAX406 CMOS op amp to buffer
2008-11-24 09:51:06
21 The OP297 is the first dual op amp to pack precision perform-ance into the space saving
2009-08-28 15:41:00
19 Abstract: A CMOS op amp is utilized to provide two-channel signal clamping with room-temperature
2009-05-07 09:50:06
19 介紹智能交通系統ITS的基本概念# 主要功能# 系統的基本結構以及ITS系統在國內外的發展現狀$ 并提出了一個基于SONET網絡的ITS通信系統解決方案%
2010-07-22 16:15:41
14 ADA4098-1: 50 V, 1 MHz, 165 μA, Robust Over-The-Top? Precision Op Amp Preliminary Data Sheet
2021-01-28 16:15:34
0 The OP471 is a monolithic quad op amp featuring low noise,11 nV/÷Hz Max @ 1 kHz, excellent speed, 8
2009-09-02 09:47:40
6 OP162OP262OP462 SPICE宏模型
2021-06-18 11:29:09
3 A comparator is similar to an op amp. It has two inputs, inverting and non-inverting
2017-09-20 12:58:37
6 that usually swings from rail to rail. So is an op amp.
A comparator has low offset, high gain, and high common-mode rejection. So does
2009-09-02 13:25:04
9 acquistion.Its two-op-amp design provides excellent performance with verylow quiescent current,and is ideal
2008-03-12 19:39:56
60 集成電路運算放大器的節拍場效應管輸入電流-IC Op Amp Beats FETs on Input Current
A monolithic operational amplifier having input error currentsin the order of 100 pA over
2009-05-17 11:19:21
15 945:900系列MPD系列模塊化電源,用于OP-AMP邏輯電路過時數據表
2021-04-15 15:25:39
7 Abstract: Canceling the load allows the op amp the capability for high output current while
2009-05-07 09:08:38
965 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/DB/wKgZomUMNfqAYHg2AAAaQwhVHyk765.gif)
Transceiver IC Generates ±30V,產生±30V的收發器集成電路
Abstract: This application note explains how an RS-232 transceiver and a few external components can b
2009-08-11 11:43:48
1426 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/38/wKgZomUMN3SATYqkAAAoQUBlpLk231.gif)
這是運算放大器(OP - AMP)振蕩器電路。該電路一定的優勢,他們是這個電路可以是在低操作頻率與相對較小的電容,隨著緩沖輸出一個完全的對稱輸出波形和它會總是自啟動,并可以不掛
2012-11-22 09:55:51
29795 OP162/OP262/OP462 SPICE宏模型
2021-04-13 18:11:38
6 AD7245/AD7248:LC-OP-2-OP-OP-MOS 12位DAPORT
2021-05-10 10:00:13
OP193 OP293 OP493管腳圖
2009-06-25 10:33:11
1117 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0E/wKgZomUMNruASFvyAAC-0k4x-ps064.jpg)
OP196 OP296 OP496管腳圖
2009-06-26 15:09:33
1081 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0F/wKgZomUMNsKASGRgAADSY9p4no0340.jpg)
OP196 OP296 OP496電路原理圖
2009-06-26 15:09:03
960 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0F/wKgZomUMNsKAEKqHAAE2MSImmrU519.jpg)
OP196 OP296 OP496單電源KTD放大電路圖
2009-06-26 15:08:38
980 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0F/wKgZomUMNsKARgMdAADGQEYj9FY743.jpg)
OP191 OP291 OP491管腳圖
2009-06-25 10:32:36
1429 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0E/wKgZomUMNruAcW0sAAHHXjocJSA255.jpg)
OP191 OP291 OP491電路圖
2009-06-25 10:31:15
2061 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0E/wKgZomUMNruAHW9BAAHIsg5pTLo812.jpg)
The AD818 is a low cost video op amp optimized for use invideo applications that require gains
2009-08-29 15:47:01
29 In Figure 1, a standard boost converter consisting of IC1, C1, L1, D1, and C2 generates
2009-05-07 12:00:33
1288 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/DC/wKgZomUMNf2AZ0MvAAAsLqSKL9E737.gif)
2019-02-15 18:25:40
OP295 OP495管腳圖
2009-06-25 10:33:50
1871 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/0E/wKgZomUMNruAbGogAACpM6jgtXU994.jpg)
acquisition.Its two-op-amp design provides excellent performancewith very low quiescent current, and is ideal forportable instru
2008-12-18 15:24:31
33 The OP179 and OP279 are rail-to-rail, high output current,single-supply amplifiers.
2009-09-02 14:51:20
18 versatilethree-op amp design and small size make it idealfor a wide range of applications. Similar to the modelINA114, the
2008-12-18 10:50:49
19 versatile3-op amp design and small size make it ideal for awide range of applications.A single external resistor sets any g
2008-07-31 22:21:49
85 accuracy.Its 3-op amp design and small size make it ideal fora wide range of applications.On-chip laser trimmed resistors accurat
2008-12-19 19:11:45
19 versatile3-op amp design and small size make it ideal for awide range of applications. Current-feedback inputcircuitry provides wide
2010-09-24 22:09:29
16 accuracy. Its versatile 3-op amp design and small size make it ideal for a wide range of applications. Current-feedback input circuitry provi
2010-09-24 22:00:08
15 versatilethree-op amp design and very small size make it idealfor a variety of general purpose applications. Low biascurrent (±
2008-10-14 15:22:08
17 op07引腳圖如下:
2007-12-16 11:16:58
391 The OP162 (single), OP262 (dual), and OP462 (quad) rail-to-rail 15 MHz amplifiers feature the extra
2009-08-28 12:58:33
19 The OP777 , OP727 , and OP747 are precision single , dual,and quad rail-to-rail output single-
2009-08-28 11:51:14
The OP191, OP291 and OP491 are single, dual and quad micropower, single-supply, 3 MHz bandwidth
2008-11-06 13:59:34
28 Each OP123 and OP124 device is a 935 nanometer (nm) high intensity gallium arsenide infrared
2008-10-09 10:56:43
18 The OP184/OP284/OP484 are single, dual, and quad single-supply, 4 MHz bandwidth amplifiers
2009-08-28 16:38:16
22 OP放大電路設計 359頁
2022-06-13 14:46:09
80 HS-OP470ARH、HS-OP470AEH 數據表
2023-07-04 18:44:15
0 EPA Real time Ethernet and Its StandardizationAbstract: In this paper,the background
2009-01-19 12:57:31
19 HS-OP470ARH、HS-OP470AEH 數據表
2023-02-02 18:58:49
0 什么是GPS與ITS技術
2010-03-17 13:48:09