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電子發燒友網>電源/新能源>電源新聞>Snubber Circuits Suppress Volt

Snubber Circuits Suppress Volt


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Cadence宣布收購Cosmic Circuits公司,意圖擴展IP業務

Cadence宣布協議收購Cosmic Circuits。Cosmic Circuits 生產線將擴展Cadence的IP業務,加強其在移動設備、云計算/數據中心和“物聯網”解決方案方面的市場機會。
2013-02-19 10:14:44983


之前我們在“Buck振鈴尖峰的實驗與分析”一文中詳細分析了buck振鈴的來龍去脈,提到Snubber電路是解決這個問題的一種方式,不過沒有具體說明具體該如何解決。最近在TI的網站上看到了 一個Snubber詳細設計的文檔,就直接轉過來分享給兄弟們了,詳細內容如下文。
2023-07-11 09:37:022498

4304B DC Volt-Ammeter操作和維修手冊

4304B DC Volt-Ammeter操作和維修手冊
2018-11-19 10:05:47

Circuits and Systems《電路與系統》期刊導讀

Circuits and Systems《電路與系統》期刊導讀ISSN: 2153-1285 (Print) 2153-1293 (Online).《電路與系統》CS免費下載網址: [url
2011-08-04 09:17:36


Vref_l=0;int volt=0;Vout_h=s[0];//s數組已經被賦值過了!Vout_l=s[1];lcd_write_char(0,1,0x30+Vout_h%1000/100
2019-07-09 04:35:21

Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits(第五版)完整版

`Analog/RF IC設計的經典權威教程。這個資料已經讓熟悉第四版的資深IC工程師驗證了,是完整版,大家放心下載學習吧Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits(第五版)完整版[hide][/hide]`
2011-12-07 14:55:53


BRIDGE CIRCUITS Walt Kester This section discusses the fundamental concepts of bridge
2009-11-19 17:26:47

Bi-directional level shifter for I2C-bus and other systems.

To interface these lower voltage circuits withexisting 5 Volt devices a level shifter is needed.
2009-05-12 08:54:11


__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__// Only include in IAR compilation#pragma diag_suppress=Pe997 // Suppress warning
2023-02-03 08:52:11

DC Circuits, 1st Edition - Davis, 2016

DC Circuits, 1st Edition - Davis, 2016英文版關于DC電路
2021-06-23 16:33:27

Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits

of this paper is to demonstrate a systematic approach to design high performancegate drive circuits for high
2009-03-27 16:04:24

Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits

of this paper is to demonstrate a systematic approach to design high performancegate drive circuits for high
2009-03-31 13:52:49

Flyback snubber design

本帖最后由 gk320830 于 2015-3-9 14:22 編輯 Flyback snubber design
2012-02-10 09:10:27

MDK編譯器用#pragma diag_suppress 177屏蔽部分警告信息為什么無效

我在代碼中加入了#pragma diag_suppress 177怎么還有177號的警告呢,而且我編譯時點Build鍵就像點了Rebulid鍵一樣把所有的文件全部編譯了一次,這是怎么回事呢?求幫助
2018-10-29 08:40:56

Nodal Analysis of Op Amp Circuits

function of most op amp circuits can be derived by a simple process of nodal analysis. The BasicsNo
2011-08-21 16:33:02

TSS-53LNB+ Mini-Circuits 產品:低噪聲旁路放大器

`TSS-53LNB+產品:低噪聲旁路放大器Mini-Circuits描述: 2W,0.5 - 5 GHz 阻抗:50Ohms 增益:18.7至23.9 dB 頻率:0.5- 5 GHz噪聲系數:1.2至1.7 dB`
2019-09-16 15:15:10

Thomas L. Floyd《電路原理 Principles of Electric Circuits》第8版

電路學習入門經典。請下載 WinDjView 閱讀器FloydPrinciples of Electric Circuits CC 8eThomas L. FloydPrentice Hall出版
2013-02-27 20:04:42


2017-11-10 13:21:15

【下載】《Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits

book find: * Coverage of state-of-the-art IC processes shows how modern integrated circuits
2018-04-13 17:45:08

【轉】世界級模擬電路設計:analog circuits(英文版)

想深入模擬電路設計技術的必讀書目Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界級模擬電路設計)沒找到中文版,只有英文版,喜歡的朋友下載目錄截圖:資料來自網絡 如有侵權還望刪除
2019-06-07 19:27:57

兩種常用的RCD Snubber電路分析,這兩種電路是什么工作原理?

RCD Snubber電路的基本類型及其工作原理
2021-04-20 06:02:46


大家好,我將使用 ESPNOW 從 ESP_a 向 ESP_b 發送 VOLT 和 AMP 數據,并從 ESP_b 向 ESP_a 發送 PWR 和 WIND 數據。我無法正確打包要在兩個 ESP 模塊中發送和接收的數據。請問有參考草圖可以作為例子嗎?有人可以幫我解決這個問題嗎?
2023-02-23 08:39:32

如何選擇RC Snubber網絡的電阻電容值?

請教下,功放輸出端的RC Snubber 網絡的電阻電容值如何選擇,有沒有相關的文檔,謝謝!
2019-08-05 07:27:31

常用電路在 NI Multisim中的重復:層次性模塊 Repeating Common Circuits in NI Mu

常用電路在 NI Multisim中的重復:層次性模塊 Repeating Common Circuits in NI Multisim: Hierarchical
2009-07-01 10:41:50

數字集成電路(Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective)經典IC設計電子書

本帖最后由 gk320830 于 2015-3-7 21:55 編輯 數字集成電路(Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective)經典IC
2008-08-17 22:20:18


2021-05-18 06:14:30

用不同方法編解碼器寫文本“volt volt_1,(@ 1)” - >結果相同是怎么回事?

我正在使用VEE pro來控制SMU U2722A的電壓。我使用I / O直接與SMU通信。當我直接鍵入I / O中的代碼時。 a)寫文本“volt 15,(@ 1)” - > SMU可以在
2019-04-03 13:56:02


電橋電路 BRIDGE CIRCUITSThis section discusses the fundamental concepts of bridge circuits
2009-11-24 09:18:56


在查資料如何解決自己問題的過程中,無意中找到了一篇用于解決開關電源設計過程中比較常見的振鈴現象的文檔——《SNUBBER DESIGN FOR NOISE REDUCTION
2021-10-29 07:15:36


2017-08-03 04:25:52

誰有拉扎維Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits第二版詳細答案啊?

誰有拉扎維Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits第二版詳細答案啊?有沒有大佬分享一下。
2021-06-22 07:35:38


  雪佛蘭Volt的核心是復雜的電池管理系統,它保證了多芯鋰電子電池塊的安全性和可靠性,通用汽車的工程師還建立了一個58%~65%的SoC安全窗口,本文圖解雪佛蘭的BMS設計。  雪佛蘭Volt
2018-11-28 11:03:02

MAX6715A/AX6729A/MAX6797A pdf

The MAX6715A–MAX6729A/MAX6797A are ultra-low-volt-age microprocessor (µP) supervisory
2008-06-30 12:48:319

LM392 pdf datasheet (Low Power

The LM392 series consists of 2 independent building block circuits. One is a high gain, internally
2008-09-19 15:07:5915

Circuits and Systems for Wirel

on Wireless-Communication Circuits and Systems, held in Lucerne, Switzerland, fromJune 22–24, 1998. The aim of the workshop was to apply the vast ex
2009-07-21 10:25:5925

Slew Rate of Op Amp Circuits

Slew Rate of Op Amp Circuits:The slew rate (SR) is defined as the maximum rate of change
2009-09-26 10:45:5112

LP5900,pdf datasheet (Circuits

the requirements of RF/Analog circuits, the LP5900 device provides low noise, highPSRR, low quiescent current, and low line transient
2009-10-05 09:21:5718

Metallized polypropylene film

Main applications: Snubber, energy conversion andcontrol in power semiconductor circuits, IGBT
2009-11-12 15:47:2024

RCD Snubber Revisited

RCD Snubber RevisitedStephen J. Finney, Barry W. Williams, and Tim C. Green, Member, IEEEAbstruct-
2009-11-27 11:08:3826


DESIGN OF SNUBBERS FOR POWER CIRCUITSBy Rudy SevernsWhat’s a snubber?Power semiconductors
2009-11-27 11:19:4520

Application Guide Snubber Capa

Application Guide Snubber CapacitorsSnubbers are any of several simple energy absorbing circuits
2009-11-27 11:28:4714

Snubber Circuits

Snubber CircuitsA. Overview of Snubber CircuitsB. Diode SnubbersC. Turn-off SnubbersD. Overvoltage SnubbersE. Turn-on SnubbersF. Thyristor Snubbers
2009-11-27 11:30:171

RC Snubber Resonant Design

RC Snubber Resonant DesignAn RC snubber is just a resistor and capacitor in series that damps
2009-11-28 11:52:3628

Flyback Snubber Design

Flyback Snubber DesignAll PWM converters have nonideal parasitics that lead to ringing waveforms
2009-11-28 12:04:5919

Snubber Circuits

Snubber CircuitsProtection of switching devices and circuits: Switching devices and circuit componentsmay fail due to the following reasons.
2009-11-28 13:44:3033

Lessons In Electric Circuits,

Lessons In Electric Circuits, Volume III Semiconductors:This book is published under the terms
2009-12-04 17:50:3513

Analog Integrated Circuits--Po

Analog Integrated Circuits Power Management, Signal Conditioning and ASSP Devices LM285, LM385
2010-03-19 09:00:3723

RLC Circuits

RLC CircuitsOverviewChapter 1 of the NI Multisim Fundamental Circuits series investigates a number
2010-03-29 09:13:1950

Switcher Efficiency & Snubber

Switcher Efficiency & Snubber Design Agenda• SMPS Basics• Control Methods•
2010-04-14 11:06:5230

TPS3123J12,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 00:39:416

TPS3123J18,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 00:44:2715

TPS3124G15,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 00:45:4717

TPS3124J12,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 00:48:548

TPS3124J18,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 00:50:3712

TPS3125G15,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 01:11:037

TPS3125J12,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 01:14:336

TPS3125J18,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 01:17:548

TPS3125L30,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 01:19:247

TPS3126E12,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 01:20:595

TPS3126E15,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 01:22:0913

TPS3128E18,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 20:42:5110

TPS3128E15,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 20:45:1010

TPS3128E12,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 20:47:438

TPS3126E18,pdf(Ultra-Low Volta

The TPS312x family of ultralow voltage processor supervisory circuits provides circuit
2010-10-24 20:49:156

DC Motor control circuits-直流電動

DC Motor control circuits, Notes:Here,S1 and S2 are normally open,push to close ,press button
2008-03-12 23:10:27737

Sound Activated Relay circuits

Sound Activated Relay circuits
2008-03-14 08:28:04803

Pulse Width Modulator circuits

Pulse Width Modulator circuits:Couple Notes:The ic used is a CMOS type MC14093a quad 2-input NAND
2008-03-14 08:31:421623


通用Volt電池項目高管將離職        綜合外電報道,通用汽車負責雪佛蘭Volt插入式混合動力車電池項目的高管Denise Gray即將離
2010-02-26 08:38:14592

電壓關斷型緩沖器(RCD Snubber)的基本類型及其工作

  本文較深入地討論了兩種常用模式的RCD Snubber電路:抑制電壓上升率模式與電壓鉗位模式,詳細分析了其各自的工作原理,給出了相應的計算公式,最后通過實驗提出了電路的
2010-09-16 10:44:137135

Cosmic Circuits為ARM提供PLLs

Cosmic Circuits,日前宣布為ARM提供用于在多個技術節點評估標準單元庫的PLL解決方案。S2C公司是Cosmic在中國的正式代理商。 Cosmic Circuits的IP 主管Sundararajan Krishnan說我們對ARM在多個技術節點
2011-11-10 09:26:42704


由于銷售不如預期導致庫存過剩,通用汽車(General Motors)日前決定暫時停止生產Chevy Volt(雪佛蘭)汽車。事實上,這個決定并不代表Volt或電動汽車(EV)已經走向盡頭,而是讓通用汽
2012-03-22 09:56:052295

Cosmic Circuits榮獲TSMC AMS IP年度合作伙伴獎

S2C IP合作伙伴Cosmic Circuits作為差異模擬與混合信號IP內核的領先供應商宣布其榮獲2012年度TSMC模擬和混合信號IP年度合作伙伴獎。該獎項對Cosmic Circuits為TSMC IP聯盟項目所作的突出貢獻的高
2012-11-15 09:27:29883


2013-01-06 10:12:483605


solution of fundamentals of electric circuits 電路基礎第二,三版的英文答案 原書為Alexander Sadiku所著的fundamentals of electric circuits ,經典電路教材。
2016-03-11 13:54:4054

Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits

Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits
2016-12-17 20:59:4362


High Surge Current Rectifier Circuits ? 5 Different Circuits to Choose from ? Up to 1600 Volt Blocking Standard ? UL Recognized E72445
2017-09-20 16:27:363


High Surge Current Rectifier Circuits ? 5 Different Circuits to Choose from ? Up to 1600 Volt Blocking Standard ? UL Recognized E72445
2017-09-20 16:30:077

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture27.28

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture27.28
2017-10-18 10:47:209

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture26

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture26
2017-10-18 10:50:225

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
2017-10-18 10:53:124

Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture

Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
2017-10-18 10:55:3112

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture22-Memory

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture22-Memory
2017-10-18 10:58:007

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture20

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture20
2017-10-18 11:00:547

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture19

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture19
2017-10-18 11:02:544

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture18

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture18
2017-10-18 11:04:404

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture17

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture17
2017-10-18 11:06:288

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture16

EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture16
2017-10-18 11:08:584

12V穩壓電源(英文),Regulated 12 Volt Supply

12V穩壓電源(英文),Regulated 12 Volt Supply 關鍵字:12V穩壓電源 DescriptionA basic
2018-09-20 20:35:541355


VOLT基于區塊鏈技術,結合智能合約,將消除參與者之間對集中系統的依賴性,顯著降低客戶送貨費用。 另一方面,信使和送貨公司的收入將會更高。 VOLT不僅保證信使得到更高的收入,VOLT消除了時間
2019-05-10 11:14:471140

Snap Circuits七段顯示器

電子發燒友網站提供《Snap Circuits七段顯示器.zip》資料免費下載
2022-12-23 16:48:410


2023-06-10 11:21:40730


2023-06-20 14:56:04576


2023-08-01 10:26:261067


2024-02-18 10:04:323


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