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EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ評估板


EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ LT8337-1 |?28V, 5A Low IQ Synchronous Step-Up Silent Switcher with PassThru and VC Pin Evaluation circuit EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ features the LT8337-1 as a 2MHz low IQ, synchronous boost converter with a 12V output from 4.5V to 12V input. When VIN goes above the 12V output regulation setpoint, the LT8337-1 smoothly transitions between regulation and PassThru? mode. This evaluation circuit features Spread Spectrum Frequency Modulation (SSFM), Silent Switcher? technology, and EMI filters to provide optimum EMI performance. The converter can output 1.2A or more depending on input voltage (see Figure 3 in the user guide for the Maximum Output Current vs VIN curve). When placed in shutdown, the converter has very low quiescent current, ideal in automotive and other battery-powered applications. PULSE SKIP and BURST modes are selectable with jumper JP1. Each user-selectable option enables low quiescent current at light load and can also be combined with SSFM operation using JP1. The LT8337-1 boost converter IC operates over an input range of 2.7V to 28V, suitable for automotive, telecom and industrial applications. It exhibits a low quiescent current of 23μA, making it ideal for battery-operated systems. The converter provides adjustable and synchronizable operation from 300kHz to 3MHz with SSFM option. At light load, either PULSE SKIP or low-ripple BURST mode can be selected to improve the efficiency. The LT8337-1 packs popular features such as soft-start, input undervoltage lockout, adjustable switching frequency and clock synchronization. The VC pin grants easy accessibility to change loop compensation to complement most applications. The LT8337-1 comes in a small 16-lead plastic LQFN package for optimal size and emissions. The LT8337-1 data sheet gives a complete description of the part, pins, features, operation, and application information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual for EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ. EVAL-LT8337-1-AZ
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