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讓中國芯片服務全球! 主要代理原廠IC:BLE藍牙芯片,MCU單片機,LED驅動,存儲芯片,LDO/DC-DC電源芯片,MOS管等等

24 內容數 3.8k 瀏覽量 7 粉絲

600mA Standalone Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger

型號: LP4054HB5F

--- 產品參數 ---

  • 充電電流(mA) 600
  • 輸入電壓(V) 3.9-8
  • 電池電壓(V) 4.2
  • 電池節數 1
  • 工作模式 CC/CV
  • 狀態指示 1/2
  • 特征 CTC,Low size,OTP,Full voltage±

--- 數據手冊 ---

--- 產品詳情 ---

   The LP4054H is a complete constant-current/constant- voltage
linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries. Its SOT23-5
package and low external component count make the LP4054H
ideally suited for portable applications. Furthermore, the
LP4054H is specifically designed to work within USB power
specifications. No external sense resistor is needed, and no
blocking diode is required due to the internal MOSFET
architecture. Thermal feedback regulates the charge current to
limit the die temperature during high power operation or high
ambient temperature. The charge voltage is fixed at 4.2V, and
the charge current can be programmed externally with a single
resistor. The LP4054H automatically terminates the charge
cycle when the charge current drops to 1.5/10th the
programmed value after the final float voltage is reached. When
the input supply (wall adapter or USB supply) is removed, the
LP4054H automatically enters a low current state, dropping the
battery drain current to less than 1μA. Other features include
charge current monitor, automatic recharge and a status pin to
indicate charge termination and the presence of an input


  • 20V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET2022-01-04 18:16

    產品型號:JXP3416VRG VDS(V):20 ID(A):6 VGS(±V):10 Vgs Typ(V):0.7 @4.5V Typ:14 mΩ
  • 30V P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET2022-01-04 16:29

    產品型號:JXP3407VRG VDS(V):30 ID(A):4 VGS(±V):20 Vgs Typ(V):1.5 @10V Typ:46 mΩ
  • 30V P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET2022-01-04 16:25

    產品型號:JXP3407MRG VDS(V):30 ID(A):4.2 VGS(±V):20 Vgs Typ(V):1.5 @10V Typ:46 mΩ
  • 30V P-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET2022-01-04 16:21

    產品型號:JXP3401VRG VDS(V):30 ID(A):4 VGS(±V):12 Vgs Typ(V):0.7 @4.5V Typ:53 mΩ
  • 20V N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET2022-01-04 16:16

    產品型號:JXP2300VRG VDS(V):20 ID(A):4.5 VGS(±V):12 Vgs Typ(V):0.6 @4.5V Typ :26 mΩ

    產品型號:JXP2N7002VRG VDS(V):60 ID(A):0.3 VGS(±V):20 Vgs Typ(V):1.3 10VTyp (V):1800
  • 單節鋰離子和鋰聚合物電池保護芯片2022-01-04 16:01

    產品型號:4418AD 過充電檢測電壓(V):4.300±0.050 過充電釋放電壓(V):4.100±0.050 過放電檢測電壓(V):2.400±0.100 過放電釋放電壓(V):3.000±0.100 向0V電池充電功能:30
  • 同步升壓DC-DC 變換器2022-01-04 15:33

    產品型號:XT1871 工作電壓(V):0.9-6.5 輸出電壓(V):1.8-5.0 輸出電流(mA):300 靜態功耗(uA):15 振蕩頻率(KHz):300
  • 同步升壓DC-DC 變換器2022-01-04 15:27

    產品型號:XT1870B502SR 工作電壓(V):0.9-5.2 輸出電壓(V):2.8-5.0 輸出電流(mA):300 靜態電流(uA):15 振蕩頻率(KHz):1000
  • 同步升壓DC-DC 變換器2022-01-04 15:13

    產品型號:XT1861 工作電壓(V):0.9-6.5 輸出電壓(V):1.8-5.0 輸出電流(mA):300 靜態電流(uA):15 振蕩頻率(KHz):300
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