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283 內容數 4.8w 瀏覽量 17 粉絲

AP6608 DC/DC 升壓恒壓芯片 高效率 2A 升壓轉換器IC

型號: AP6608
品牌: (世微)

--- 產品參數 ---

  • 電壓 2.6-5.5
  • 電流 1300ma
  • 效率 97%
  • 分裝 sot23-6

--- 產品詳情 ---

The AP6608 is a constant frequency, 6-pin SOT23

current mode step-up converter intended for small,

low power applications. The AP6608 switches at

1.2MHz and allows the use of tiny, low cost

capacitors and inductors 2mm or less in height.

Internal soft-start results in small inrush current and

extends battery life.

The AP6608 features automatic shifting to pulse

frequency modulation mode at light loads. The

AP6608 includes under-voltage lockout, current

limiting, and thermal overload protection to prevent

damage in the event of an output overload. The

AP6608 is available in a small 6-pin SOT-23




? Integrated 80mΩ Power MOSFET

? 2V to 24V Input Voltage

? 1.2MHz Fixed Switching Frequency

? Internal 4A Switch Current Limit

? Adjustable Output Voltage

? Internal Compensation

? Up to 28V Output Voltage

? Automatic Pulse Frequency Modulation

Mode at Light Loads

? up to 97% Efficiency

? Available in a 6-Pin SOT23-6 Package


? Battery-Powered Equipment

? Set-Top Boxed

? LCD Bais Supply

? DSL and Cable Modems and Routers

? Networking cards powered from PCI

or PCI express slots



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