The ADM00805 Evaluation Board for PAC1934 provides a flexible platform for evaluating PAC1934 and demonstrating the features of the PAC1934. A PAC1934 device ina wafer level chip scale package (WLCSP) is mounted to the board.
The ADM00805 has a USB connector to connect to a computer for device communication. The PAC1934 device may be powered directly by VBUS from the USB connectoror by an external connection for VDD.
I2C communication can be provided over USB using the on-board MCP2221 USB toI2C Bridge. There is also a header that facilitates direct I2C communication by connectingthe VDD_IO, Ground, SDA and SCL to an external source such as a PC motherboardor a Linux system.
The shorting shunts and the switch on the board facilitate either simple demonstrationof the device functions using on-board current sources or detailed evaluation offunction and performance with external sources, including prototyping the system.
The ADM00805 Evaluation Board has a PAC1934 device mounted on the board and enables direct control of all device pins and easy measurements of on-board or external voltages and currents. The I2C address is connected as 0x20 by default. Removinga shunt gives 0x22. Other addresses are possible by replacing R22 with a new value.
Sampling rate is 1024 sps by default, due to the shorting shunt on the SLOW pin connector(J23) tying the SLOW pin to ground. Remove this shunt for the SLOW sampling rate of 8 sps.
An on-board current source provides a 0.5 Hz square wave current signal for functionality testing and demo purposes. There are also on-board current sense resistors, provisions for external sources and loads, and provisions for both USB control and directI2C connection.
? The ADM00805 Evaluation Board (EVB)
? USB cable
? Important Information Sheet