ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N4031
Accessing audio and video used to be a simple matter - simple because of the simplicity of the access mechanisms and because of the poverty of the sources. An incommensurable amount of audiovisual information is becoming available in digital form, in digital archives, on the World Wide Web, in broadcast data streams and in personal and professional databases, and this amount is only growing. The value of information often depends on how easy it can be found, retrieved, accessed and filtered and managed.
The transition between two millennia abounds with new ways to produce, offer, filter, search, and manage digitized multimedia information. Broadband is being offered with increasing audio and video quality and speed of access.? The trend is clear. In the next few years, users will be confronted with such a large number of contents provided by multiple sources that efficient and accurate access to this almost infinite amount of content will seem to be unimaginable. In spite of the fact that users have increasing access to these resources, identifying and managing them efficiently is becoming more difficult, because of the sheer volume. This applies to professional as well as end users. The question of identifying and managing content is not just restricted to database retrieval applications such as digital libraries, but extends to areas like broadcast channel selection, multimedia editing, and multimedia directory services.
This challenging situation demands a timely solution to the problem. MPEG-7 is the answer to this need.
MPEG-7 is an ISO/IEC standard being developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), the committee that also developed the successful standards known as MPEG-1 (1992) and MPEG-2 (1995), and the MPEG-4 standard (Version 1 in 1998, and version 2 in 1999). The MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 standards have enabled the production of widely adopted commercial products, such as CD-interactive, DVD, digital audio broadcasting (DAB), digital television, and many video-on-demand trials and commercial services. MPEG-4 is the first real multimedia representation standard, allowing interactivity and a combination of natural and synthetic material, coded in the form of objects (it models audiovisual data as a composition of these objects). MPEG-4 provides the standardized technological elements enabling the integration of the production, distribution and content access paradigms of the fields of interactive multimedia, mobile multimedia, interactive graphics and enhanced digital television.
The MPEG-7 standard, formally called “Multimedia Content Description Interface”. MPEG-7 will provide a rich set of standardized tools to describe multimedia content. Both human users and automatic systems that process audiovisual information are within the scope of MPEG-7.
MPEG-7 aims at offering a comprehensive set of audiovisual description tools to create descriptions, which will form the basis for applications enabling the needed quality access to content, which implies good storage solutions, high-performance content identification, proprietary assignation, and fast, ergonomic, accurate and personalized filtering, searching and retrieval. This is a challenging task given the broad spectrum of requirements and targeted multimedia applications, and the broad number of audiovisual features of importance in such context. The question of identifying and managing content is not just restricted to database retrieval applications such as digital libraries, but extends to areas like broadcast channel selection, multimedia editing, and multimedia directory services.
The active people in MPEG-7 represent broadcasters, electronics manufacturers, content creators and managers, publishers and intellectual property rights managers, telecommunication service providers and academia.
More information about MPEG-7 can be found at the MPEG-7 website http://drogo.cselt.it/.mpeg/ and the MPEG-7 Industry Focus Group website http://www.mpeg-7.com/. These web pages contain links to a wealth of information about MPEG, including much about MPEG-7, many publicly available documents, several lists of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ and links to other MPEG-7 web pages.
1.1? Context of MPEG-7
More and more audiovisual information is available, from many sources around the world. The information may be represented in various forms of media, such as still pictures, graphics, 3D models, audio, speech, video. Audiovisual information plays an important role in our society, be it recorded in such media as film or magnetic tape or originating, in real time, from some audio or visual sensors and be it analogue or, increasingly, digital. While audio and visual information used to be consumed directly by the human being, there is an increasing number of cases where the audiovisual information is created, exchanged, retrieved, and re-used by computational systems. This may be the case for such scenarios as image understanding (surveillance, intelligent vision, smart cameras, etc.) and media conversion (speech to text, picture to speech, speech to picture, etc.). Other scenarios are information retrieval (quickly and efficiently searching for various types of multimedia documents of interest to the user) and filtering in a stream of audiovisual content description (to receive only those multimedia data items which satisfy the user’s preferences). For example, a code in a television program triggers a suitably programmed VCR to record that program, or an image sensor triggers an alarm when a certain visual event happens. Automatic transcoding may be performed from a string of characters to audible information or a search may be performed in a stream of audio or video data. In all these examples, the audiovisual information has been suitably “encoded” to enable a device or a computer code to take some action.
Audiovisual sources will play an increasingly pervasive role in our lives, and there will be a growing need to have these sources processed further. This makes it necessary to develop forms of audiovisual information representation that go beyond the simple waveform or sample-based, compression-based (such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2) or even objects-based (such as MPEG-4) representations. Forms of representation that allow some degree of interpretation of the information’s meaning are necessary. These forms can be passed onto, or accessed by, a device or a computer code. In the examples given above an image sensor may produce visual data not in the form of PCM samples (pixels values) but in the form of objects with associated physical measures and time information. These could then be stored and processed to verify if certain programmed conditions are met. A video recording device could receive descriptions of the audiovisual information associated to a program that would enable it to record, for example, only news with the exclusion of sport. Products from a company could be described in such a way that a machine could respond to unstructured queries from customers making inquiries.
MPEG-7 will be standard for describing the multimedia content data that will support these operational requirements. The requirements apply, in principle, to both real-time and non real-time as well as push and pull applications. MPEG will not standardize or evaluate applications. MPEG may, however, use applications for understanding the requirements and evaluation of technology. It must be made clear that the requirements in this document are derived from analyzing a wide range of potential applications that could use MPEG-7 descriptions. MPEG-7 is not aimed at any one application in particular; rather, the elements that MPEG-7 standardizes shall support as broad a range of applications as possible.
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