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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>DSP>Xtreme DSP選擇指南 (XtremeDSP Solu

Xtreme DSP選擇指南 (XtremeDSP Solu

2009-12-31 | rar | 3444 | 次下載 | 2積分


Xtreme DSP選擇指南(XtremeDSP? Solutions Selection Guide):There are five main benefits of using FPGAs for DSP applications.
1. Ability to handle very high computational workloads – FPGAs allow you to build highly
parallel architectures thereby allowing your sample rate to equal your clock rate. The
benefit is systems with performance levels up to 500MSPS. This level of performance is
ideal for building very fast single channel systems or slower rate systems that comprise
hundreds of channels.
2. Offload compute intensive tasks from your DSP processor and save valuable cycles for
implementing other functions.
3. Customize your architecture to suit your ideal algorithm – With FPGAs you have an
array of MACs or multipliers to implement single or multi-tap architectures. The
reconfigurable nature of FPGAs means that once you have developed your algorithm,
you can construct the ideal architecture to implement the algorithm.
4. Reduce system cost – FPGAs allow you to integrate other components you will need in
your system and hence reduce the overall system cost. Examples include Serial RapidIO
transceivers, PCI Express interfaces, glue logic and low rate control tasks.
5. Power Efficiency – FPGAs deliver lowest power for high sample rate per GMAC. This will
enable you to reduce Op-Ex cost of the system.
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