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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>CY7C1041 pdf,CY7C1041 datashee

CY7C1041 pdf,CY7C1041 datashee

2008-08-29 | rar | 666 | 次下載 | 5積分


The CY7C1041B is a high-performance CMOS static RAM organized
as 262,144 words by 16 bits.
Writing to the device is accomplished by taking Chip Enable
(CE) and Write Enable (WE) inputs LOW. If Byte Low Enable
(BLE) is LOW, then data from I/O pins (I/O0 through I/O7), is
written into the location specified on the address pins (A0
through A17). If Byte High Enable (BHE) is LOW, then data
from I/O pins (I/O8 through I/O15) is written into the location
specified on the address pins (A0 through A17).
Reading from the device is accomplished by taking Chip Enable
(CE) and Output Enable (OE) LOW while forcing the Write
Enable (WE) HIGH. If Byte Low Enable (BLE) is LOW, then
data from the memory location specified by the address pins
will appear on I/O0 to I/O7. If Byte High Enable (BHE) is LOW,
then data from memory will appear on I/O8 to I/O15. See the
truth table at the back of this data sheet for a complete description
of read and write modes.
The input/output pins (I/O0 through I/O15) are placed in a
high-impedance state when the device is deselected (CE
HIGH), the outputs are disabled (OE HIGH), the BHE and BLE
are disabled (BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE
LOW, and WE LOW).
The CY7C1041B is available in a standard 44-pin
400-mil-wide body width SOJ and 44-pin TSOP II package
with center power and ground (revolutionary) pinout.
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