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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>tlk3134 pdf,tlk3134 datasheet

tlk3134 pdf,tlk3134 datasheet

2008-09-08 | rar | 555 | 次下載 | 5積分


The TLK3134 is a flexible four-channel independently configurable serial transceiver. It can be configured to be compliant with the 10Gbps Ethernet XAUI specification. It can also be configured to be compliant with the 1000Base-X 1Gbps Ethernet Specification (Auto-Negotiation not supported). The TLK3134 provides high-speed bidirectional point-to-point data transmissions with up to 30 Gbps of raw data transmission capacity. The primary application of this device is in backplanes and front panel connections requiring 10Gbps connections over controlled impedance media of approximately 50. The transmission media can be printed circuit board (PCB) traces, copper cables or fiber-optical media. The ultimate rate and distance of data transfer is dependent upon the attenuation characteristics of the media and the noise coupling into the lines.

The TLK3134 performs the parallel-to-serial, serial-to-parallel conversion, and clock extraction functions for a physical layer interface. The TLK3134 provides a complete XGXS/PCS function defined in Clause 47/48 of the IEEE 802.3ae 10Gbps Ethernet standard. The TLK3134 also provides 1000Base-X (PCS) layer functionality described in Clause 36 of 802.3-2002. The serial transmitter is implemented using differential Current Mode Logic (CML) with integrated termination resistors.

The TLK3134 can be optionally configured as a XAUI or 10GFC transceiver. TLK3134 supports a 32-bit data path, 4-bit control, 10 Gigabit Media Independent Interface (XGMII) to the protocol device. Figure 1-1 shows an example system block diagram for TLK3134 used to provide the 10Gbps Ethernet Physical Coding Sublayer to Coarse Wave-length Division Multiplexed optical transceiver or parallel optics.

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