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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>STC232/STC232E pdf datasheet (

STC232/STC232E pdf datasheet (

2008-10-24 | rar | 555 | 次下載 | 5積分


The STC232E is low power single supply RS232 interface. The device consists of two line drivers, two line receivers,
and dual charge pump circuit. The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232 standard and provides the electrical
interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector.
The on chip charge pump and four small external capacitors act as onboard DC to DC converter, allow chip operated
from single 5V supply, eliminating the need for ±10V power supplies, reduce cost and board space. Chip power supply
current is specified at 8.0 mA maximum, making the device ideal for battery and power conscious applications.
The device operates at data signaling rates over 120Kb/s. The slew rate of driver is set internally less than 30V/μs and
the receivers feature internal noise filtering, eliminating the need for external slew rate and filter capacitors for reliable
operation. The driver inputs and receiver outputs are TTL and CMOS compatible.
STC232E comes in 16 pin DIP, SOP and SSOP packages, operating over the commercial and industrial temperature
The ESD tolerance has been upgraded on these devices to over ±15KV for both Human Body Model and IEC1000-4-2
Air Discharge Method, without latchup. These devices are pin-to-pin compatible with MAX202/232 devices as well as
other popular industry standards.

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