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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>X40030, X40031, X40034, X40035

X40030, X40031, X40034, X40035

2009-01-10 | rar | 533 | 次下載 | 3積分


The X40030, X40031, X40034, X40035 combine power-on
reset control, watchdog timer, supply voltage supervision,
second and third voltage supervision, and manual reset, in one
package. This combination lowers system cost, reduces board
space requirements, and increases reliability.
Applying voltage to VCC activates the power-on reset circuit,
which holds RESET/RESET active for a period of time. This
allows the power supply and system oscillator to stabilize
before the processor can execute code.
Low VCC detection circuitry protects the user’s system from
low voltage conditions, resetting the system when VCC falls
below the minimum VTRIP1 point. RESET/RESET is active
until VCC returns to proper operating level and stabilizes. A
second and third voltage monitor circuit tracks the unregulated
supply to provide a power fail warning or monitors different
power supply voltage. Three common low voltage
combinations are available, however, Intersil’s unique circuits
allows the threshold for either voltage monitor to be
reprogrammed to meet specific system level requirements or to
fine-tune the threshold for applications requiring higher
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