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2007-12-25 | rar | 2138 | 次下載 | 5積分



SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) instructions, also called packed instructions, are widely used in high performance computing (HPC), multimedia, and security applications. These instructions operate on a set of packed data values simultaneously. The popular SIMD instruction set extensions in the x86 architecture are called SSE (Streaming SIMD Extension) and consist of SSE1 (or simply SSE) to SSE5. Many of these instructions operate on multiple data elements (e. g. a vector) packed into a 128-bit wide register.

Streaming SIMD Extension 5 (SSE5) is a new extension to the AMD64 (x86=64) instruction set. SSE5 adds 170 new instructions and will be available starting with the Bulldozer processor core due to be released in 2009. These instructions will have greater benefits in domains like HPC, multimedia, and security applications than previously released SSE instruction sets.
SSE5 instructions typically operate on 128-bits of data at a time, as do previously released SSE instruction sets. These new instructions aim to increase work per instruction and remove additional overhead for storing and reloading of register operands through the introduction of an additional operand.
The new instructions include
  • Fused multiply accumulate (FMACxx) instructions
  • Integer multiply accumulate (PMAC, PMADC) instructions
  • Permutation and conditional move instructions
  • Vector compare and test instructions
  • Precision control, rounding, and conversion instructions





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  3. 2單片機典型實例介紹
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  5. 3S7-200PLC編程實例詳細資料
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  7. 4筆記本電腦主板的元件識別和講解說明
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  9. 5開關電源原理及各功能電路詳解
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  15. 8開關電源設計實例指南
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  5. 3MATLAB 7.1 下載 (含軟件介紹)
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