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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>消費電子>產品手冊>AD637 pdf datasheet (Wideband

AD637 pdf datasheet (Wideband

2009-03-09 | rar | 323 | 次下載 | 10積分


The AD637 is a complete, high accuracy, monolithic rms-to-dc converter that computes the true rms value of any complex waveform. It offers performance that is unprecedented in integrated circuit rms-to-dc converters and comparable to discrete and modular techniques in accuracy, bandwidth, and dynamic range. A crest factor compensation scheme in the AD637 permits measurements of signals with crest factors of up to 10 with less than 1% additional error. The wide band-width of the AD637 permits the measurement of signals up to 600 kHz with inputs of 200 mV rms and up to 8 MHz when the input levels are above 1 V rms.

As with previous monolithic rms converters from Analog Devices, Inc., the AD637 has an auxiliary dB output available to users. The logarithm of the rms output signal is brought out to a separate pin, allowing direct dB measurement with a useful range of 60 dB. An externally programmed reference current allows the user to select the 0 dB reference voltage to correspond to any level between 0.1 V and 2.0 V rms.

A chip select connection on the AD637 permits the user to decrease the supply current from 2.2 mA to 350 μA during periods when the rms function is not in use. This feature facilitates the addition of precision rms measurement to remote or handheld applications where minimum power consumption is critical. In addition, when the AD637 is powered down, the output goes to a high impedance state. This allows several AD637s to be tied together to form a wideband true rms multiplexer.

The input circuitry of the AD637 is protected from overload voltages in excess of the supply levels. The inputs are not damaged by input signals if the supply voltages are lost.

The AD637 is available in accuracy Grade J and Grade K for commercial temperature range (0°C to 70°C) applications, accuracy Grade A and Grade B for industrial range (?40°C to +85°C) applications, and accuracy Grade S rated over the ?55°C to +125°C temperature range. All versions are available in hermetically sealed, 14-lead SBDIP, 14-lead CERDIP, and 16-lead SOIC_W packages. The AD637 computes the true root mean square, mean square, or absolute value of any complex ac (or ac plus dc) input waveform and gives an equivalent dc output voltage. The true rms value of a waveform is more useful than an average rectified signal because it relates directly to the power of the signal. The rms value of a statistical signal is also related to the standard deviation of the signal.

The AD637 is laser wafer trimmed to achieve rated performance without external trimming. The only external component required is a capacitor that sets the averaging time period. The value of this capacitor also determines low frequency accuracy, ripple level, and settling time.

The on-chip buffer amplifier can be used either as an input buffer or in an active filter configuration. The filter can be used to reduce the amount of ac ripple, thereby increasing accuracy.

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