Abstract: Considerable vibration and acoustic noise limit the application of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRMs). As the radial vibration of stator is the origin of the acoustic noise of SRMs, modal analysis of stator vibration is the effective way to the research for low acoustic noise. Three-dimension finite element modal analysis was adopted in this paper to analyze and compare the resonance frequencies of SRMs varying with different winding assembly drafts and radiating rib structures.Eventually the conclusion is drawn that both reinforce windings and circumferential direction ribs structures are favorable for lowering the acoustic noise level of SRMs. The validity of modal analysis was proved by comparing the modal analysis results with the measured results of a prototype motor.
Keywords: Acoustic Noise,Draft of Winding Assembly,Modal Analysis,Natural Frequency,Radiating Rib, Switched Reluctance Motor,Vibration
Abstract: Considerable vibration and acoustic noise limit the application of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRMs). As the radial vibration of stator is the origin of the acoustic noise of SRMs, modal analysis of stator vibration is the effective way to the research for low acoustic noise. Three-dimension finite element modal analysis was adopted in this paper to analyze and compare the resonance frequencies of SRMs varying with different winding assembly drafts and radiating rib structures.Eventually the conclusion is drawn that both reinforce windings and circumferential direction ribs structures are favorable for lowering the acoustic noise level of SRMs. The validity of modal analysis was proved by comparing the modal analysis results with the measured results of a prototype motor.
Keywords: Acoustic Noise,Draft of Winding Assembly,Modal Analysis,Natural Frequency,Radiating Rib, Switched Reluctance Motor,Vibration
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