此 Arduino 線性致動器教程展示了如何使用 Arduino 兼容板和各種輸入傳感器控制Firgelli 小型線性致動器,包括用于直接控制的滑塊和旋轉旋鈕、用于增量移動的操縱桿以及具有預設位置的三個按鈕(在代碼中預設)每個位置都分配給一個按鈕,因此當用戶按下按鈕時,小型線性執行器會移動到該位置)。
對于 Arduino 線性執行器項目,Firgelli 的小型線性執行器非常出色。這些線性執行器有一個內部控制器,允許它們像伺服一樣操作。通過使用 Arduino 伺服庫,我們可以簡單地向執行器發送所需的位置,然后它移動到該位置。
所有部件都可以在RobotGeek Arduino 線性執行器實驗者套件中一起找到,或者單獨獲得。
第 1 步:接線
請注意,您必須將線性致動器物理插入不同的端口才能使用不同的控件移動它。如果您有多個線性執行器,您可以使用此代碼同時控制多達 4 個。
第 2 步:將代碼上傳到您的 Arduino
您可以在RobotGeek 庫和工具中的以下位置找到此演示代碼:
RobotGeekSketches -> Demos -> LinearActuator -> linearActuatorExpDemo -> linearActuatorExpDemo.ino
* RobotGeek Linear Actuator Experimenter's Kit Demo
* ________
* | \---------\___________________________
* __| | ||--------------------|__
* (o | FIRGELLI | o ||____________________| o)
* |__________________/--------------------------||
* The following sketch will allow you to control a Firgelli Linear actuator using
* the RobotGeek Slider, RobotGeek Knob, RobotGeek Joystick, and RobotGeek Pushbuttons
* http://www.robotgeek.com/robotgeek-experimenters-kit-linear-actuator
* Wiring
* Linear Actuator - Digital Pin 6, 9, 10, and/or 11
* Knob - Analog Pin 0
* Joystick - Analog Pin 1
* Slider - Analog Pin 2
* Pushbutton - Digital Pin 2
* Pushbutton - Digital Pin 4
* Pushbutton - Digital Pin 7
* Jumpers for pins 3/5/6 and 9/10/11 should be set to 'VIN'
* Control Behavior:
* Moving the slider or knob will move the linear actuator keeping absolute position.
* Moving the joystick will move the linear actuator incrementally.
* Pressing one of the buttons will move the linear actuator to a predetermined position.
#include //Servo Library can be used for Firgelli Mini Linear Actuators
//Linear Actuator Pins
const int LINEARPIN_BUTTON = 6; //Linear Actuator on Digital Pin 6
const int LINEARPIN_KNOB = 9; //Linear Actuator on Digital Pin 9
const int LINEARPIN_SLIDER = 10; //Linear Actuator on Digital Pin 10
const int LINEARPIN_JOYSTICK = 11; //Linear Actuator on Digital Pin 11
//Analog Input Pins
const int KNOB_PIN = 0; //Knob on Analog Pin 0
const int JOYSTICK_PIN = 1; //Joystick (vertical) on Analog Pin 1
const int SLIDER_PIN = 2; //Slider on Analog Pin 2
//Digital Input Pins
const int BUTTON1_PIN = 2; //Button 1 on Digital Pin 2
const int BUTTON2_PIN = 4; //Button 2 on Digital Pin 4
const int BUTTON3_PIN = 7; //Button 3 on Digital Pin 7
//Generic deadband limits - not all joystics will center at 512, so these limits remove 'drift' from joysticks that are off-center.
const int DEADBAND_LOW = 482; //decrease this value if drift occurs, increase it to increase sensitivity around the center position
const int DEADBAND_HIGH = 542; //increase this value if drift occurs, decrease it to increase sensitivity around the center position
//Max/min pulse values in microseconds for the linear actuators
const int LINEAR_MIN = 1050;
const int LINEAR_MAX = 2000;
// variables will change:
int button1State = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int button2State = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int button3State = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
Servo linearKnob, linearSlider, linearButton, linearJoystick; // create servo objects to control the linear actuators
int knobValue, sliderValue, joystickValue; //variables to hold the last reading from the analog pins. The value will be between 0 and 1023
int valueMapped; // the joystick values will be changed (or 'mapped') to new values to be sent to the linear actuator.
//variables for current positional value being sent to the linear actuator.
int linearValue_Knob = 1500;
int linearValue_Slider = 1500;
int linearValue_Button = 1500;
int linearValue_Joystick = 1500;
int speed = 2;
void setup()
//initialize linear actuators as servo objects
linearKnob.attach(LINEARPIN_KNOB); // attaches/activates the linear actuator as a servo object
linearSlider.attach(LINEARPIN_SLIDER); // attaches/activates the linear actuator as a servo object
linearButton.attach(LINEARPIN_BUTTON); // attaches/activates the linear actuator as a servo object
linearJoystick.attach(LINEARPIN_JOYSTICK); // attaches/activates the linear actuator as a servo object
//Analog pins do not need to be initialized
//use the writeMicroseconds to set the linear actuators to their default positions
void loop()
//Preset Positions for Button Control
// if the pushbutton is pressed set the linear value
button1State = digitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN);
if (button1State == HIGH) {
// set the position value
linearValue_Button = 1300;
button2State = digitalRead(BUTTON2_PIN);
if (button2State == HIGH) {
// set the position value
linearValue_Button = 1500;
button3State = digitalRead(BUTTON3_PIN);
if (button3State == HIGH) {
// set the position value
linearValue_Button = 1700;
//Analog Direct Control
//read the values from the analog sensors
knobValue = analogRead(KNOB_PIN);
sliderValue = analogRead(SLIDER_PIN);
linearValue_Knob = map(knobValue, 0, 1023, LINEAR_MAX, LINEAR_MIN); //Map analog value from the sensor to the linear actuator
linearValue_Slider = map(sliderValue, 0, 1023, LINEAR_MAX, LINEAR_MIN); //Map analog value from the sensor to the linear actuator
//Incremental Joystick Control
joystickValue = analogRead(JOYSTICK_PIN); //read the values from the joystick
//only update if the joystick is outside the deadzone (i.e. moved oustide the center position)
if(joystickValue > DEADBAND_HIGH || joystickValue < DEADBAND_LOW)
valueMapped = map(joystickValue, 0, 1023, speed, -speed); //Map analog value from native joystick value (0 to 1023) to incremental change (speed to -speed).
linearValue_Joystick = linearValue_Joystick + valueMapped; //add mapped joystick value to present Value
linearValue_Joystick = constrain(linearValue_Joystick, LINEAR_MIN, LINEAR_MAX); //
//Use the writeMicroseconds to set the linear actuator to its new position
第 3 步:模擬直接控制
要使用旋轉旋鈕,請將線性執行器插入Digital Pin 9
要使用滑塊,請將線性執行器插入Digital Pin 10
想看廢話嗎?將操縱桿插入Analog Pin 0
,將線性執行器插入Digital Pin 9
第 4 步:增量控制
要使用操縱桿,請將線性執行器插入Digital Pin 11
第 5 步:預設控件
要使用按鈕,請將線性執行器插入Digital Pin 6
第 6 步:下一步是什么?
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