關鍵字: 內存數據庫;系統恢復;3G 平臺
Abstract: Disk access and data transmission speed to the memory of the computer system has
been the performance bottleneck. Although the disk speed and bus speed has been greatly
improved, but the disk capacity is increasing significantly slowed its speed access to data on. In this paper, embedded memory database technology development status, definition, characteristics and 3 G-oriented platform embedded memory database engine to achieve the specific design methods.
Keywords: Memory database; System Restore; 3G platform
關鍵字: 內存數據庫;系統恢復;3G 平臺
Abstract: Disk access and data transmission speed to the memory of the computer system has
been the performance bottleneck. Although the disk speed and bus speed has been greatly
improved, but the disk capacity is increasing significantly slowed its speed access to data on. In this paper, embedded memory database technology development status, definition, characteristics and 3 G-oriented platform embedded memory database engine to achieve the specific design methods.
Keywords: Memory database; System Restore; 3G platform
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