接收機存在諸多噪聲干擾,致使語音靜噪較難實現。本文設計實現一種以TMS320F2812 DSP芯片為核心的語音檢測系統,對短波電臺接收到的信號進行分析和處理,并應用短時自相關算法進行語音檢測。如果檢測存在語音信號則通過DA把語音轉換輸出。通過在實際應用環境中測試表明該語音檢測系統結構簡單,語音檢測準確度高,可以有效解決短波電臺的語音靜噪問題。
關鍵詞:短波電臺; 語音檢測; 自相關;
Abstract: Speech noise silencing is testing voice-based to achieve shield the system
output function when there is no speech. As the short-wave radio receiver there is
a lot of noise, with the result that more difficult to achieve noise-cancellation.
in this paper,designed to achieve a voice detection system which make the TMS320F2812
DSP chip as its core. This system can analysis and process the signal received by
the shortwave radio and detect the voice by the short-time auto-correlation. If
speech signal is detected,then it can be transformed to output through DA. Through
the practical application of the test environment show that the voice detection
system is simple, highly accurate detection of voice can be an effective solution
to short-wave radio voice of the noise silencing.
Keywords: Short-wave Radio; voice detection; autocorrelation;
接收機存在諸多噪聲干擾,致使語音靜噪較難實現。本文設計實現一種以TMS320F2812 DSP芯片為核心的語音檢測系統,對短波電臺接收到的信號進行分析和處理,并應用短時自相關算法進行語音檢測。如果檢測存在語音信號則通過DA把語音轉換輸出。通過在實際應用環境中測試表明該語音檢測系統結構簡單,語音檢測準確度高,可以有效解決短波電臺的語音靜噪問題。
關鍵詞:短波電臺; 語音檢測; 自相關;
Abstract: Speech noise silencing is testing voice-based to achieve shield the system
output function when there is no speech. As the short-wave radio receiver there is
a lot of noise, with the result that more difficult to achieve noise-cancellation.
in this paper,designed to achieve a voice detection system which make the TMS320F2812
DSP chip as its core. This system can analysis and process the signal received by
the shortwave radio and detect the voice by the short-time auto-correlation. If
speech signal is detected,then it can be transformed to output through DA. Through
the practical application of the test environment show that the voice detection
system is simple, highly accurate detection of voice can be an effective solution
to short-wave radio voice of the noise silencing.
Keywords: Short-wave Radio; voice detection; autocorrelation;
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