本文介紹了一種應用LM35 溫度傳感器開發的溫控系統,重點闡述了系統
結構、工作原理、采樣值量化。同時對LM35 傳感器特性、系統硬件電路設計、
關鍵詞:溫度傳感器 工作原理 硬件設計 軟件設計
Abstract: The article introduces a temperature control system which is based on
LM35 temperature sensor. The author emphasizes particularly on the structure of
system, working theory and the measurement of sampling value. What’s more, it
includes the characteristics of LM35 temperature sensor, the circuit design of system
hardware and the design of software. The system has many characteristics―little
volume, low cost and working stability, and it is very useful to the engineering
application. This system also can accomplish the function of measuring temperature if
we change or extend it slightly.
Keywords:temperature sensor;working theory;the design of hardware;the design
of software.
結構、工作原理、采樣值量化。同時對LM35 傳感器特性、系統硬件電路設計、
關鍵詞:溫度傳感器 工作原理 硬件設計 軟件設計
Abstract: The article introduces a temperature control system which is based on
LM35 temperature sensor. The author emphasizes particularly on the structure of
system, working theory and the measurement of sampling value. What’s more, it
includes the characteristics of LM35 temperature sensor, the circuit design of system
hardware and the design of software. The system has many characteristics―little
volume, low cost and working stability, and it is very useful to the engineering
application. This system also can accomplish the function of measuring temperature if
we change or extend it slightly.
Keywords:temperature sensor;working theory;the design of hardware;the design
of software.
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