This subchapter describes:
?the Agilent10706A Plane Mirror Interferometer
?the Agilent10723A High Stability Adapter
The Agilent10706A Plane Mirror Interferometer can be used with a
plane mirror reflector to obtain distinct advantages.
The unique contribution of the Agilent10706A Plane Mirror
Interferometer (see Figure7C-1) is its tolerance of angular
misalignment of the plane mirror reflector. A simple linear
interferometer would require a plane mirror to remain perpendicular
to the laser beam within several arc-seconds; otherwise, the
interference fringes would not be detectable. With the Agilent10706A
interferometer, angular deviations of minutes of arc are commonly
This subchapter describes:
?the Agilent10706A Plane Mirror Interferometer
?the Agilent10723A High Stability Adapter
The Agilent10706A Plane Mirror Interferometer can be used with a
plane mirror reflector to obtain distinct advantages.
The unique contribution of the Agilent10706A Plane Mirror
Interferometer (see Figure7C-1) is its tolerance of angular
misalignment of the plane mirror reflector. A simple linear
interferometer would require a plane mirror to remain perpendicular
to the laser beam within several arc-seconds; otherwise, the
interference fringes would not be detectable. With the Agilent10706A
interferometer, angular deviations of minutes of arc are commonly
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