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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>測試測量>Advanced Atomic Force Microsco

Advanced Atomic Force Microsco

2010-08-10 | rar | 1997 | 次下載 | 2積分


In the past two decades Atomic Force
Microscopy (AFM)
?has been recognized
as a powerful characterization method
of surfaces at small scales and in
different environments. In addition to
high-resolution visualization of surface
morphology and nanoscale structures,
AFM microscopes are also broadly
applied for examination of mechanical,
electromagnetic, optical and other
properties. The core of this technology
is the measurement and control of force
interactions between a minute probe
and a sample surface. Practically, such
measurements can be performed at a
single location and applied for surface
imaging with contact or oscillatory
techniques. The techniques complement
each other yet studies of soft matter
are mostly carried out with oscillatory
amplitude modulation (AM) mode.
Despite an expanding penetration of
AFM and the related scanning probe
microscopy methods into academic and
industrial research, a critical analysis of
the existing capabilities of this method
reveals a number of undeveloped areas
that are essential for further progress of
the ? eld. We will mention only a few of
them. The current efforts towards imaging
with true molecular and atomic resolution
in different environments bene? t from
an extension of frequency modulation
(FM) mode4
?to measurements in air and
under liquid.
?The improvement of noise
characteristics of AFM electronics and
the minimization of thermal drift of the
microscopes will undoubtedly assist
researchers using extremely sharp probes
in achieving superior imaging resolution.
In the probing of local mechanical and
electric properties increasing attention
is paid to multi-frequency measurements
that offer new capabilities for quantitative
analysis. Studies employing multi-
frequency measurements in the broad
frequency range help avoid cross-talk of
topography with mechanical and electric
tip-sample force effects and have other
advantages. A successful realization
of these possibilities simultaneously
with improved resolution of imaging and
mapping of materials’ properties will open
new horizons for AFM characterization
especially if these applications can be
performed in the properly-controlled
environments. This goal can be achieved
only in direct interplay of instrumentation
developments and their practical
veri? cation on various samples. This is
our vision of advanced AFM and we
hope that this paper supports it.
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