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2021-03-22 | pdf | 69.5KB | 次下載 | 3積分


This version (17 Feb 2021 03:06) was approved by Juan Chong.The Previously approved version (07 Dec 2020 22:31) is available.Diff

EVAL-ADIS-FX3 Landing Page


The EVAL-ADIS-FX3 is the latest addition to the iSensor evaluation portfolio and was designed from the ground up to provide users with an easy-to-use solution for capturing reliable inertial data in lab and characterization environments. The EVAL-ADIS-FX3 incorporates the ability to capture inertial sensor data at maximum throughput while interfacing with external test equipment and reacting to external triggers.

In addition to launching a redesigned hardware platform, we’ve also developed a robust API that allows users to quickly build custom applications that capture reliable sensor data. We’ve included many useful features into the API that enable designers to characterize sensor performance in any .NET compatible environment.

Getting Started

This wiki site was recently divided into subsections for ease of use. Use the links below to learn more about the EVAL-ADIS-FX3.

EVAL-ADIS-FX3 Setup and Troubleshooting

EVAL-ADIS-FX3 Setup and Troubleshooting

This page will help walk you through getting your EVAL-ADIS-FX3 board set up, connected, and ready to capture sensor data. It also includes an in-depth troubleshooting guide to help debug common connectivity issues.

iSensor Eval GUI User Guide

iSensor Eval GUI User Guide

This page walks through many of the iSensor Eval GUI features and includes examples for reading and writing registers, capturing sensor data, and plotting sensor data in real-time.

FX3Api Developer Guide and Resources

FX3Api Developer Guide and Resources

This page outlines the EVAL-ADIS-FX3 hardware architecture and documents the FX3 firmware and API that powers the EVAL-ADIS-FX3. This page also includes practical examples for implementing the FX3Api in LabVIEW, MATLAB, and Python.





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