
Table of Contents
Xilinx Reference Designs
Below is a list of hardware, IP Cores, or reference designs. While this content is believed to be reliable, many have not been validated, verified or reviewed by Analog Devices. These boards/platforms may or may not be suitable for end product integration or development, and may not meet datasheet specifications. Since many of these platforms or IP Cores are not designed or reviewed by Analog Devices, care should be taken to ensure that these will meet your needs before purchase. While ADI will always provide chip level support on the EngineerZone?, board level, or reference design support is given by the manufacture or creator of the specific materials.
References to manufacturer or third party software, websites, or to any specific commercial or non-commercial products are suggestions only and do not necessarily constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Analog Devices.
Add on Boards
ADI products can be found on many boards which use industry standard connectors, such as PMODs and FMC.
Part Number / Purchase | Description | ADI Parts |
EVAL-AD7960FMCZ | ![]() The EVAL-AD7960FMCZ board is based on the AD7960, which is an 18-bit, 5 MSPS charge redistribution successive approximation (SAR), analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The SAR architecture allows unmatched performance both in noise and in linearity. The AD7960 contains a low power, high speed, 18-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock and an internal reference buffer. On the CNV± edge, the AD7960 samples the voltage difference between the IN+ and IN- pins. The voltages on these pins swing in opposite phase between 0 V and 4.096 V/5 V. The reference voltage is applied to the part externally. All conversion results are available on a single LVDS self-clocked or echo-clocked serial interface. | AD7960 |
EVAL-AD7961FMCZ | ![]() The EVAL-AD7961FMCZ board is based on the AD7961, which is an 16-bit, 5 MSPS charge redistribution successive approximation (SAR), analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The SAR architecture allows unmatched performance both in noise and in linearity. The AD7961 contains a low power, high speed, 16-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock and an internal reference buffer. On the CNV± edge, the AD7961 samples the voltage difference between the IN+ and IN- pins. The voltages on these pins swing in opposite phase between 0 V and 4.096 V/5 V. The reference voltage is applied to the part externally. All conversion results are available on a single LVDS self-clocked or echo-clocked serial interface. | AD7961 |
AD9434-FMC-500EBZ | ![]() The AD9434-FMC-500EBZ board is based on the AD9434, which is a 12-Bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) optimized for high performance, low power, and ease of use. The part operates at up to a 500 MSPS conversion rate and is optimized for outstanding dynamic performance in wideband carrier and broadband systems. | AD9434 AD9517-4 |
AD9467-FMC-250EBZ | ![]() The AD9467-FMC-250EBZ board is based on the AD9467, which is a 16-Bit, 250 MSPS analog-to-digital converter that. The AD9467 provides a new level of signal processing performance for test and measurement instrumentation, defense electronics, and communications applications where high resolution over a wide bandwidth is needed. | AD9467 AD9517-4 |
AD9265-FMC-125EBZ | ![]() The AD9265-FMC-125EBZ board is based on the AD9265, which is a 16-Bit, 125 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) featuring a wide bandwidth differential sample-and-hold analog input amplifier supporting a variety of user-selectable input ranges. | AD9265 AD9517-4 |
AD9739A-FMC-EBZ | ![]() The new AD9739A-FMC-EBZ board is based on the AD9739A is a 14-bit, 2.5 GSPS high performance RF DAC capable of synthesizing wideband signals from dc up to 3 GHz. | AD9739A ADF4350 |
AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ is an analog front end hardware platform that addresses a broad range of research, academic, industrial and defense applications. The AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ enables RF applications from 400MHz to 4 GHz. The module is customizable to a wide range of frequencies by software without any hardware changes, providing options for GPS or IEEE 1588 Synchronization, and MIMO configurations. | AD9122 ADL5375 ADF4351 ADL5602 ADL5380 AD8366 AD9643 ADF4351 AD9548 AD9523-1 |
AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ is a high-speed analog module designed to showcase the AD9361, a high performance, highly integrated RF agile transceiver intended for use in RF applications, such as 3G and 4G base station applications and software defined radios. The AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ provides RF engineers the ability to connect the AD9361 to a RF testbench (Vector Signal Analyzer, Signal generator, etc) and measure performance. The external components (which can easily be swapped) on the AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ have a narrower RF tuning range 2400 – 2500 MHz. It is expected that most engineers will change these external components (pin for pin replacements from various vendors are available) for their specific application/ frequency of interest. Anyone interested in a wider tuning range board should look at the AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ. | AD9361 |
AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ is a high-speed analog module designed to showcase the AD9361, a high performance, highly integrated RF agile transceiver intended for use in RF applications, such as 3G and 4G base station applications and software defined radios. The purpose of the AD-FMCOMMS3-EBZ is to provide an RF platform to software developers, system architects, etc, who want a single platform that operates over a much wider tuning range (70 MHz – 6 GHz) than the AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ. | AD9361 |
AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ is a high-speed analog module designed to showcase the AD9364, a high performance, highly integrated RF agile transceiver intended for use in RF applications, such as 3G and 4G base station applications and software defined radios. The purpose of the AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ is to provide an RF platform to software developers, system architects, etc, who want a single platform that operates over a much wider tuning range (70 MHz – 6 GHz) than the AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ. | AD9364 |
AD-FMCOMMS5-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCOMMS5-EBZ is a high-speed analog module designed to showcase the AD9361, a high performance, highly integrated RF agile transceiver intended for use in RF applications, such as 3G and 4G base station applications and software defined radios. The board includes two AD9361s in a 4 x 4 RF configuration, which demonstrates how to synchronize multiple devices together. | AD9361 |
AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ evaluation board is a 400 MHz to 4.4 GHz receiver based on the AD9652 dual 16-bit ADC, the ADL5566 High Dynamic Range RF/IF Dual Differential Amplifier and the ADL5380 quadrature demodulator. The AD-FMCOMMS6-EBZ is a discrete hardware receiver platform that addresses L and S band radar applications and enables RF applications from 400 MHz to 4 GHz. The module is configurable to a wide range of frequencies small filter hardware changes, providing options for RF up to 4 GHz and IF up to 155 MHz. | AD9652 ADF4351 ADL5380 ADL5566 AD9517 ADCLK925 ADP2370 ADM7150 ADP1740 |
AD-FMCADC2-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCADC2-EBZ is a data acquisition and signal processing platform that contains a complete signal chain for digitizing wideband RF signals for a variety of high-performance applications. The board has operating software and drivers for seamless connectivity within the Xilinx FPGA development platform ecosystem. This board is comprised of the AD9625-2.5 12-bit, 2.5 GSPS JESD204B ADC, input balun, clock oscillator, and critical power management components. | AD9625 |
AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCDAQ2-EBZ module is comprised of the AD9680 dual, 14-bit, 1.0 GSPS, JESD204B ADC, the AD9144 quad, 16-bit, 2.8 GSPS, JESD204B DAC, the AD9523-1 14-output, 1 GHz clock generator, and power management components. It is clocked by an internally generated carrier platform via the FMC connector, comprising a completely self-contained data acquisition and signal synthesis prototyping platform. The module’s combination of wideband data conversion, clocking, and power closely approximates real-world hardware and software for system prototyping and design, with no compromise in signal chain performance. | AD9680 AD9144 AD9523-1 ADN4661 ADP1740 ADP150 |
AD-FMCJESDADC1-EBZ | ![]() The AD-FMCJESDADC1-EBZ board features two AD9250, which is a 14-Bit, 250MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This board shares the 4DSP FMC-176 PCB, which in addition to the ADC, has two AD9129, which is a 14-Bit, 2.8GSPS digital-to-analog converter (DAC). | AD9250 AD9129 AD9517-1 |
AD-FMCMOTCON2 | ![]() The AD-FMCMOTCON2-EBZ is a complete high performance servo system on an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) board. Information on the FMC board, and how to use it, the design package that surrounds it, and the software which can make it work, can be found by clicking the documentation link. The purpose of the AD-FMCMOTCON2-EBZ is to provide a complete motor drive system demonstrating efficient and high dynamic control of three phase PMSM and induction motors. The kit consists of two boards: a controller board and a drive board. The system incorporates high quality power sources; reliable power, control, and feedback signals isolation; accurate measurement of motor current & voltage signals; high speed interfaces for control signals to allow fast controller response; industrial Ethernet high speed interfaces; flexible control with a FPGA/SoC interface. An optional AD-DYNO2-EBZ dynamometer can be purchased through Avnet and is intended to be an extension of the drive system. | ADUM7640 ADUM7641 ADM2486 ADUM1400 ADUM1402 ADG3308 AD8646 AD8137 ADUM5000 AD2S1210 ADN4662 ADG759 ADUM1250 CMP04 ADP2301 ADP1621 ADUM7223 ADUM5230 AD8207 AD7403 AD7402 AD7405 |
ADI products can be found on many boards which use industry standard connectors, such as Pmods and FMC.
Pmods are small I/O interface boards that offer an ideal way to extend the capabilities of FPGA/CPLD boards. Pmods communicate with system boards using 6 or 12-pin connectors. Pmods include sensors, I/O, data acquisition & conversion, connectors, and more. Popular systems with Pmod connectors can be found at Digilent or Avnet.
Part Number / Purchase | Description | ADI Parts |
PmodACL Digilent Avnet Silica | ![]() Reference Design: Digilent Reference Design: Avnet Reference Design: Silica The Digilent PmodACL is a 3-axis digital accelerometer module powered by the Analog Devices ADXL345. It uses a standard 12-pin Pmod connector and can communicate via SPI or I2C. | ADXL345 |
PmodACL2 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-ACL2 is an ultralow power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer that consumes less than 2 μA at a 100 Hz output data rate and 270 nA when in motion triggered wake-up mode. Unlike accelerometers that use power duty cycling to achieve low power consumption, the ADXL362 does not alias input signals by undersampling; it samples the full bandwidth of the sensor at all data rates. The ADXL362 always provides 12-bit output resolution; 8-bit formatted data is also provided for more efficient single-byte transfers when a lower resolution is sufficient. Measurement ranges of ±2 g, ±4 g, and ±8 g are available, with a resolution of 1 mg/LSB on the ±2 g range. | ADXL362 |
PmodAD1 Digilent Avnet Silica | ![]() Reference Design: Digilent Reference Design: Avnet Reference Design: Silica The Digilent Analog to Digital Module Converter Board (the AD1) converts signals at a maximum sampling rate of one million samples per second, fast enough for the most demanding audio applications. The AD1 uses a 6-pin header connector, and at less than one square inch is small enough to be located at the signal source. | AD7476 |
PmodAD2 Digilent | ![]() Reference Design: Digilent The Digilent PmodAD2 is an analog to digital converter module with up to 4 channels at 12-bit resolution powered by the Analog Devices AD7991. It uses an 8-pin connector that allows communication via I2C. The PmodAD2 also has a 6-pin connector that allows up to 4 analog inputs or up to 3 analog inputs and a voltage reference. | AD7991 |
PmodAD3 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-AD3 is a complete low power front-end solution for bridge sensor products, including weigh scales, strain gages, and pressure sensors. It contains a precision, low power, 24-bit sigma-delta (S-?) ADC; an on-chip, low noise programmable gain amplifier (PGA); and an on-chip oscillator. | AD7780 |
PmodAD4 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-AD4 is a 16-bit, successive approximation, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that operates from a single power supply, VDD.It contains a low power, high speed, 16-bit sampling ADC and a versatile serial interface port. On the CNV rising edge, it samples an analog input IN+ between 0V to REF with respect to ground sense IN-. The reference voltage, REF, is applied externally and can be set independent of the supply voltage, VDD. Its power scales linearely with throughput. | AD7980 |
PmodAD5 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-AD5 is powered by the Analog Devices AD7193, a low noise, complete analog front end for high precision measurement applications. It contains a low noise, 24-bit sigma-delta (S-?) analog-to-digital converter (ADC). | AD7193 |
PmodAD6 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-AD6 is powered by the Analog Devices AD7091R, a a 12-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that offers ultralow power consumption (typically 349 μA at 3 V and 1 MSPS) while achieving fast throughput rates (1 MSPS with a 50 MHz SCLK). | AD7091r |
PmodAMP3 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-AMP3 is powered by the Analog Devices SSM2518, a digital input, Class-D power amplifier that com-bines a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and a sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) Class-D modulator. This unique architecture enables extremely low real-world power consumption from digital audio sources with excellent audio performance. The SSM2518 is ideal for power sensitive applications, such as mobile phones and portable media players, where system noise can corrupt small analog signals such as those sent to an analog input audio amplifier. | SSM2518 |
PmodCDC1 Digilent | ![]() The Digilent PmodCDC1 delivers a complete signal processing solution for capacitive sensors, featuring an ultralow power converter with fast response time. The AD7156 uses an Analog Devices, Inc., capacitance-to-digital converter (CDC) technology, which combines features important for interfacing to real sensors, such as high input sensitivity and high tolerance of both input parasitic ground capacitance and leakage current. The integrated adaptive threshold algorithm compensates for any variations in the sensor capacitance due to environmental factors like humidity and temperature or due to changes in the dielectric material over time. | AD7156 |
PmodDA1 Digilent Avnet Silica | ![]() Reference Design: Digilent Reference Design: Avnet Reference Design: Silica The Digilent PmodDA1 Digital To Analog Module Converter Board (the DA1) converts signals from digital to analog at up to one MSa per second. The DA1 uses a 6-pin header connector and at less than one square inch is small enough to be located where the signal is needed. The DA1 has four simultaneous D/A conversion channels, each with an 8-bit converter that can process a separate digital signal. It is possible to send a single signal, such as a reset signal, to all four channels simultaneously, but multiple unique signals cannot be sent simultaneously. | AD7303 |
PmodDA3 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-DA3 is a single, 16-bit, serial input, unbuffered voltage output digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply. The DAC output range extends from 0V to Vref and is guaranteed monotonic, providing +- 1 LSB INL accuracy at 16 bits without adjustment. | AD5541A |
PmodDA4 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-DA4 is a low power, octal, 12 bit, buffered voltage-output DAC. The device operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply and is guaranteed monotonic by design. The AD5628 is available in both a 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP and a 16-lead TSSOP. The AD5628 has an on-chip reference with an internal gain of 2. The AD5628 has a 1.25 V 5 ppm/°C reference, giving a full-scale output range of 2.5 V; the AD5628-2 has a 2.5 V 5 ppm/°C reference, giving a full-scale output range of 5 V. | AD5628 |
PmodDA5 | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-DA5 is a single 18-bit, unbuffered voltage output DAC that operates from a bipolar supply of up to 33 V. The AD5781 accepts a positive reference input range of 5 V to VDD ? 2.5 V and a negative reference input range of VSS + 2.5 V to 0 V. The AD5781 offers a relative accuracy specification of ±0.5 LSB maximum, and operation is guaranteed monotonic with a ±0.5 LSB DNL maximum specification. | AD5781 |
PmodDPOT | ![]() The Digilent Pmod-DPOT is powered by the Analog Devices AD5160, a 256 Position SPI Compatible Digital Potentiometer | AD5160 |
PmodGYRO2 Digilent | ![]() The Digilent PmodGYRO2 is powered by the Analog Devices ADXRS453, an angular rate sensor (gyroscope) intended for industrial, instrumentation and stabilization applications in high vibration environments. | ADXRS453 |
PmodIA | ![]() The Digilent PmodIA is powered by the Analog Devices AD5933, a high precision impedance converter system solution that combines an on-board frequency generator with a 12-bit, 1 MSPS, analog-to-digital converter (ADC). | AD5933 |
PmodIOXP Digilent | ![]() The Digilent PmodIOXP is an I/O expansion module powered by the Analog Devices ADP5589. It functions as an I/O port expander and keypad matrix decoder, and uses a standard 8-pin I2C connector allowing it to communicate with a system board via I2C. | ADP5589 |
PmodMIC2 Digilent | ![]() The Digilent PmodMIC2 is powered by the Analog Devices ADMP441, a high performance, low power, digital output, omnidirectional MEMS microphone with a bottom port. The complete ADMP441 solution consists of a MEMS sensor, signal conditioning, an analog-to-digital converter, antialiasing filters, power management, and an industry standard 24-bit I2S interfface. | ADMP441 |
PmodRS232 Digilent | ![]() | ADM3232E |
PmodTMP2 Digilent | ![]() The Digilent PmodTMP2 is a high accuracy digital temperature sensor offering breakthrough performance over a wide industrial range, housed in a 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP package. It contains an internal band gap reference, a temperature sensor, and a 16-bit ADC to monitor and digitize the temperature to 0.0078°C resolution. The ADC resolution, by default, is set to 13 bits (0.0625°C). The ADC resolution is a user programmable mode that can be changed through the serial interface. | ADT7420 |
Pmod Compatible Boards
CftL Reference Designs
Part Number / Purchase | Description | ADI Parts |
EVAL-CN0179-PMDZ | ![]() CN0179 is a 4 mA-to-20 mA current loop transmitter for communication between a process control system and its actuator. Current loop interfaces are usually preferred because they offer the most cost effective approach to long distance noise immune data transmission. Besides being cost effective, this circuit offers the industry’s lowest power solution. | AD5641 AD8657 ADR02 |
EVAL-CN0216-PMDZ | ![]() CN0216 is a precision weigh scale signal conditioning system. Ultralow noise, low offset voltage, and low drift amplifiers are used at the front end for amplification of the low-level signal from the load cell. | AD7791 ADA4528-1 ADP3301 |
EVAL-CN0326-PMDZ | ![]() CN0326 is a completely isolated low power pH sensor signal conditioner and digitizer with automatic temperature compensation for high accuracy. This circuit supports a wide variety of pH sensors that have very high internal resistance that can range from 1 MΩ to several GΩ, and digital signal and power isolation provides immunity to noise and transient voltages often encountered in harsh industrial environments. Suitable for a variety of industrial applications such as chemical, food processing, water, and wastewater analysis. | AD7793 AD8603 ADUM5401 |
EVAL-CN0332-PMDZ | ![]() CN0332 is a single-supply, low cost, high-speed magnetoresistive (MR) signal conditioner solution that amplifies the small output voltage of the magnetoresistive sensor and converts it into a digital output signal. The circuit provides a compact and cost effective robust solution for high speed rotational sensing in industrial and automotive applications and is an excellent alternative to Hall effect sensors. | ADCMP601 AD8027 ADA4897-2 |
EVAL-CN0335-PMDZ | ![]() CN0335 processes ±10 V input signals using a single 3.3 V supply. The total error after room temperature calibration is less than ±0.1% FSR over a ±10°C temperature change, making it ideal for a wide variety of industrial measurements. Both data and power are isolated, thereby making the circuit robust to high voltages and also ground-loop interference often encountered in harsh industrial environments. | AD7091R AD8606 ADUM5401 |
EVAL-CN0336-PMDZ | ![]() CN0336 processes 4 mA to 20 mA input signals using a single 3.3 V supply. The total error after room temperature calibration is ±0.06% FSR over a ±10°C temperature change, making it ideal for a wide variety of industrial measurements. Both data and power are isolated, thereby making the circuit robust to high voltages and also ground-loop interference often encountered in harsh industrial environments. | AD7091R AD8606 ADUM5401 |
EVAL-CN0337-PMDZ | ![]() CN0337 processes the output of a PT100 RTD and includes an innovative circuit for lead-wire compensation using a standard 3-wire connection. The circuit operates on a single 3.3 V supply. | AD7091R AD8606 ADUM5401 |
EVAL-CN0346-PMDZ | ![]() CN0346 is a relative humidity sensing circuit which can be connected up to any Pmod compatible host controller board. | AD7156 AD8615 ADP125 |
EVAL-CN0349-PMDZ | ![]() CN0349 is a fully Isolated conductivity measurement data acquisition system. | AD5934 AD8606 ADUM5000 ADUM1250 ADG715 |
EVAL-CN0350-PMDZ | ![]() CN0350 processes charge input signals from piezoelectric sensors using a single 3.3 V supply and has a total error of less than 0.25% FSR after calibration over a ±10°C temperature range. | AD7091R AD8608 |
EVAL-CN0354-PMDZ | ![]() CN0354 is a low power multichannel thermocouple measurement system with cold junction compensation. | AD7787 AD8495 ADM8829 ADG1609 ADR3412 REF194 |
EVAL-CN0355-PMDZ | ![]() CN0355 is a low power signal conditioner for resistive bridge type sensors and includes a temperature compensation channel. | AD7793 AD8420 ADA4096-2 |
EVAL-CN0357-PMDZ | ![]() CN0357 is an electrochemical gas sensing signal conditioning solution, designed to work with many electrochemical gas sensors down to resolutions of 1 part per million (ppm). | AD7790 ADA4528-2 AD8500 ADR3412 AD5270 |
ADC Drivers
Resolution | Sampling Speed | Part Number / Purchase | Description | ADI Parts | Device Driver |
14-Bits | 250 KSPS | EVAL-AD7942-PMDZ | ![]() AD7942 is a 14-bit PulSAR? ADC 250 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7942 ADA4841 | AD7942 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
14-Bits | 500 KSPS | EVAL-AD7946-PMDZ | ![]() AD7946 is a 14-bit PulSAR? ADC 500 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7946 ADA4841 | AD7946 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 100 KSPS | EVAL-AD7988-1-PMDZ | ![]() AD7988-1 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 100 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7988-1 ADA4841 | AD7988-1 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 250 KSPS | EVAL-AD7685-PMDZ | ![]() AD7685 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 250 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7685 ADA4841 | AD7685 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 250 KSPS | EVAL-AD7687-PMDZ | ![]() AD7687 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 250 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7687 ADA4841 | AD7687 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 250 KSPS | EVAL-AD7691-PMDZ | ![]() AD7691 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 250 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7691 ADA4841 | AD7691 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 500 KSPS | EVAL-AD7686-PMDZ | ![]() AD7686 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 500 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7686 ADA4841 | AD7686 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 500 KSPS | EVAL-AD7688-PMDZ | ![]() AD7688 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 500 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7688 ADA4841 | AD7688 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 500 KSPS | EVAL-AD7693-PMDZ | ![]() AD7693 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 500 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7693 ADA4841 | AD7693 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 500 KSPS | EVAL-AD7988-5-PMDZ | ![]() AD7988-5 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 500 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7988-5 ADA4841 | AD7988-5 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 1000 KSPS | EVAL-AD7980-PMDZ | ![]() AD7980 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 1000 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7980 ADA4841 | AD7980 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
16-Bits | 1333 KSPS | EVAL-AD7983-PMDZ | ![]() AD7983 is a 16-bit PulSAR? ADC 1333 kSPS, unipolar, single-ended input. | AD7983 ADA4841 | AD7983 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
18-Bits | 400 KSPS | EVAL-AD7690-PMDZ | ![]() AD7690 is a 18-bit PulSAR? ADC 400 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7690 ADA4841 | AD7690 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
18-Bits | 1000 KSPS | EVAL-AD7982-PMDZ | ![]() AD7982 is a 18-bit PulSAR? ADC 1000 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7982 ADA4841 | AD7982 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
18-Bits | 1333 KSPS | EVAL-AD7984-PMDZ | ![]() AD7984 is a 18-bit PulSAR? ADC 1333 kSPS, unipolar, differential input. | AD7984 ADA4841 | AD7984 IIO Serial ADC Linux Driver |
Adapter Boards
An Adapter Board is an electrical interface routing between one socket or connection to another. The purpose of these adapters are to reroute one connector (normally an ADI standard connector) to a different connector (normally a standard Xilinx connector).
AD-DAC-FMC Adapter Board
The AD-DAC-FMC adapter board allows any of Analog Devices' DPG2-compatiable High-Speed DAC Evaluation Boards to be used on a Xilinx? evaluation board with a FMC connector. The adapter board uses the Low Pin Count (LPC) version of the FMC connector, so it can be used on either LPC or HPC hosts.
More information about this adapter board can be found at the product page.
Existing projects which can be used with the AD-DAC-FMC Adapter Board.
Part Number | Description | ADI Parts |
AD9739-R2-EBZ | Reference design: Analog Devices 14-Bit, 2500 MSPS, RF Digital-to-Analog Converter | AD9739 |
AD9789-EBZ | Reference design: Analog Devices 4 Channel QAM encoder/interpolator/upconverter with 2400 MSPS, 14-bit RF digital-to-analog converter | AD9789 |
EVAL-AD9122 | Reference design: Analog Devices Dual 16-bit, 1200MSPS digital-to-analog converter | AD9122 |
AD9129-EBZ | Reference design: Analog Devices 14-bit, 2.8GSPS digital-to-analog converter | AD9129 |
AD9747-EBZ | Reference design: Analog Devices Dual 16-bit, 250MSPS digital-to-analog converter | AD9747 |
AD9117-DPG2-EBZ AD9116-DPG2-EBZ AD9115-DPG2-EBZ AD9114-DPG2-EBZ | Reference design: Analog Devices 8/10/12/14-bit, low power digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that provides a sample rate of 125 MSPS. | AD9114 AD9115 AD9116 AD9117 |
AD9785-DPG2-EBZ AD9787-DPG2-EBZ AD9788-DPG2-EBZ | Reference design: Analog Devices 12-bit, 14-bit, and 16-bit, high dynamic range TxDAC? devices, respectively, that provide a sample rate of 800 MSPS, permitting multicarrier generation up to the Nyquist frequency. | AD9785 AD9787 AD9788 |
AD-ADC-FMC Adapter Board
The AD-ADC-FMC adapter board allows Analog Devices' FIFO-compatible High-Speed ADC Evaluation Boards to be used on a Xilinx? evaluation board with a FMC connector. There are two revisions of the interposer where both use the high pin count (HPC) version of the FMC connector.
More information about this adapter board can be found at the product page.
Evaluation boards which can be used with the Rev A, AD-ADC-FMC Adapter Board:
Part Number | Description | ADI Parts |
AD9279-80KITZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 8 channel LNA, VGA, AAF, I/Q Demodulator with 12Bit, 80MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter | AD9279 |
AD9467-250EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 16-bit, 250MSPS monolithic, IF sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) | AD9467 |
Evaluation boards which can be used with the Rev B, AD-ADC-FMC Adapter Board (Part Number: CVT-ADC-FMC-INTPZB):
Part Number | Description | ADI Parts |
AD9250-250EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 14-Bit, 250 MSPS, Analog-to-Digital Converter | AD9250 |
AD9250-170EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 14 Bit, 170 MSPS, Analog-to-Digital converter | AD9250 |
AD6673-250EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 11 Bit, 250 MSPS, Dual channel IF Receiver | AD6673 |
AD9649-EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 14 Bit, 80 MSPS, Single channel ADC | AD9649 |
AD9671-EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 14 Bit, 40 MSPS, Eight channel Ultrasound AFE with digital demodulator | AD9671 |
AD9683-250EBZ | Reference Design: Analog Devices 14-Bit, 250 MSPS, Analog-to-Digital Converter | AD9683 |
FMC-SDP Interposer
The FMC-SDP interposer allows any Analog Devices SDP Evaluation Board to be used on a Xilinx? evaluation board with a FMC connector. The interposer uses the Low Pin Count (LPC) version of the FMC connector, so it can be used on either LPC or HPC hosts. The interposer can only be used with FPGA boards that support 3.3VIO for the FMC connection.
Part Number | Description | ADI Parts |
SDP-FMC-IB1Z | SDP to FMC Interposer Board |
Existing projects which can be used with the FMC-SDP Adapter Board.
Part Number | Description | ADI Parts |
Analog to Digital Converters | ||
EVAL-AD7091SDZ | ![]() The AD7091 is a 12-bit successive approximation register analog-to-digital converter (SAR ADC) that offers ultralow power consumption (typically 367 μA at 3 V and 1 MSPS) while achieving fast throughput rates (1 MSPS with a 50 MHz SCLK). The AD7091 operates from a single 2.09 V to 5.25 V power supply. The AD7091 also features an on-chip conversion clock and a high speed serial interface. | AD7091 |
EVAL-AD7091RSDZ | ![]() The AD7091R is a 12-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that offers ultralow power consumption (typically 349 μA at 3 V and 1 MSPS) while achieving fast throughput rates (1 MSPS with a 50 MHz SCLK). Operating from a single 2.7 V to 5.25 V power supply, the part contains a wide bandwidth track-and-hold amplifier that can handle input frequencies in excess of 7 MHz. The AD7091R also features an on-chip conversion clock, accurate reference, and high speed serial interface. | AD7091R |
EVAL-AD7175-2SDZ | ![]() The AD7175-2 is a low noise, fast settling, multiplexed, 2-/4- channel (fully/pseudo differential) Σ-Δ analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for low bandwidth inputs. It has a maximum channel scan rate of 50 kSPS (20 μs) for fully settled data. The output data rates range from 5 SPS to 250 kSPS. The AD7175-2 integrates key analog and digital signal condition-ing blocks to allow users to configure an individual setup for each analog input channel in use. Each feature can be user selected on a per channel basis. Integrated true rail-to-rail buffers on the analog inputs and external reference inputs provide easy to drive high impedance inputs. The precision 2.5 V low drift (2 ppm/°C) band gap internal reference (with output reference buffer) adds embedded functionality to reduce external component count. The digital filter allows simultaneous 50 Hz/60 Hz rejection at 27.27 SPS output data rate. The user can switch between different filter options according to the demands of each channel in the application. The ADC automatically switches through each selected channel. Further digital processing functions include offset and gain calibration registers, configurable on a per channel basis. | AD7175-2 |
EVAL-AD7176-2SDZ | ![]() The AD7176-2 is a fast settling, highly accurate, high resolution, multiplexed S-? analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for low band-width input signals. Its inputs can be configured as two fully differential or four pseudo differential inputs via the integrated crosspoint multiplexer. An integrated precision, 2.5 V, low drift (2 ppm/°C), band gap internal reference (with an output reference buffer) adds functionality and reduces the external component count. The maximum channel scan data rate is 50 kSPS (with a settling time of 20 μs), resulting in fully settled data of 17 noise free bits. User-selectable output data rates range from 5 SPS to 250 kSPS. The resolution increases at lower speeds. The AD7176-2 offers three key digital filters. The fast settling filter maximizes the channel scan rate. The Sinc3 filter maximizes the resolution for single-channel, low speed applications. For 50 Hz and 60 Hz environments, the AD7176-2 specific filter minimizes the settling times or maximizes the rejection of the line frequency. These enhanced filters enable simultaneous 50 Hz and 60 Hz rejec-tion with a 27 SPS output data rate (with a settling time of 36 ms). | AD7176-2 |
EVAL-AD7291SDZ | ![]() The AD7291 is a 12-bit, low power, 8-channel, successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an internal temperature sensor. | AD7291 |
EVAL-AD7298SDZ | ![]() The AD7298 is a 12-bit, high speed, low power, 8-channel, successive approximation ADC with an internal temperature sensor. The part operates from a single 3.3 V power supply and features throughput rates up to 1 MSPS. The device contains a low noise, wide bandwidth track-and-hold amplifier that can handle input frequencies in excess of 30 MHz. | AD7298 |
EVAL-AD7327SDZ | ![]() |
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